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Responses: 12
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
Obama has never been a Constitutionalist, barely and American.
SFC John D.
SFC John D.
1 y
Yep - par for the course for far-left hyper-partisans. I would ask for how you twisted those words into a racist comment, but that's never stopped the left fear mongers before.
Criticize Obama and you're racist. Criticize Hillary and your sexist. Criticize Kamala and your a racist sexist!

Using the lefty-logic where anyone saying something against a Democrat that isn't a white male is some type of -ist or is -phobic, it's obvious that you might suffer from Blancophobia or Androphobia and that's why you're racist against whites and sexist against men.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
1 y
If I didn't have so much class, I could say something:)
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
1 y
What dumb@$$.
SSG Byron Hewett
SSG Byron Hewett
1 y
Barely an American in loosely fit terms
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Maj Robert Thornton
I agree with your opening statement SGT (Join to see)!
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LTC Self Employed
Talking about gun rights, I went to Montana and I can't believe what's available for sale. It feels like Freedom here! High capacity magazines, pumped up shotguns and store owners with m4s fully loaded and all you have to do is ride the boat forward and they have their protection but of their business. You don't even need a permit for open carry or concealed carry here in Montana. As long as you are in good standing you are good to go!

Here are some pictures I saw at a pawn shop but I also went to a coin shop and they also had weapons which one of them was a collectible Marlin 30-30 that my wife was holding. This AK-47 clone is American made. I used to own a Hungarian AK-47 Sporter prior to moving to Canada. I sold it in Idaho.
SFC (Join to see) LTC Trent Klug SFC John D. SFC (Join to see) MSG Stan Hutchison Maj Robert Thornton
There is no animation shortage here either. Mike and wife believes that Nobody messes with anybody here because everybody could be consuming a weapon but look at Chicago with gun restrictions and it might as well be fight at the okay Corral. People here in Montana are friendly.

I also have seen hardly any Street people at all. I know drugs and drug use exist but at least are not camping out and we're not stepping on poop everywhere like you would if it were a major Democrat -run City. Maybe Great Falls is an exception to the rule?
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
1 y
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
1 y
Trudeau is a Pinko at best, and an outright Communist at worse. MHO
LTC Self Employed
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
1 y
SFC (Join to see) He learned from hid dad, Fidel.
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