Posted on May 13, 2017
New Jersey High School Students Win Right To Wear Military Uniforms At Graduation
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 10
FYI SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL split option cycle ARNG OSUT has been going on since long before I was an infantry training company commander at Fort Benning from 1985 to 1986.
In split option training cycles we had 17-year-old between Junior and Senior year of high school for the first half of OSUT [spilt option phase 1 training cycle]. The maturity or immaturity of these young men presented some unique challenges but by and large most made it through the training. I had one spilt option phase 1 training cycle in the summers of 1985 and 1986 and one spilt option phase 2 training cycle in 1986
When I was the OIC of the scheduling branch for the United States Army Infantry Training Center (USAITC) from late 1987 to June 1989 I saw the complete picture of spilt cycle training across the USAITC at Fort Benning.
The challenge with this type of legislation is that soldiers who complete the BCT portion of IET are not fully qualified initial entry soldiers since they have not completed the requirements of their enlistment contract including meeting bonus requirements. While this may be a State moral booster for BCT graduates and friends and family, I don't concur with the practice in large part because these BCT graduates may not know how to set up and wear their issue dress blues properly - generally blues are issued early in the cycle and tailored at complete of all initial training because most soldiers add and lose inches during the training.
LTC Stephen C. Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Capt Christopher Mueller Capt Tom Brown Capt Seid Waddell MSG Andrew White SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SSgt Robert Marx TSgt Joe C. SP5 Mark Kuzinski SGT Robert George SPC (Join to see) SrA Christopher Wright SP5 Robert Ruck SCPO Morris RamseyCPL Eric Escasio SPC Margaret Higgins CPT Gabe Snell LTC Ivan Raiklin, Esq.
In split option training cycles we had 17-year-old between Junior and Senior year of high school for the first half of OSUT [spilt option phase 1 training cycle]. The maturity or immaturity of these young men presented some unique challenges but by and large most made it through the training. I had one spilt option phase 1 training cycle in the summers of 1985 and 1986 and one spilt option phase 2 training cycle in 1986
When I was the OIC of the scheduling branch for the United States Army Infantry Training Center (USAITC) from late 1987 to June 1989 I saw the complete picture of spilt cycle training across the USAITC at Fort Benning.
The challenge with this type of legislation is that soldiers who complete the BCT portion of IET are not fully qualified initial entry soldiers since they have not completed the requirements of their enlistment contract including meeting bonus requirements. While this may be a State moral booster for BCT graduates and friends and family, I don't concur with the practice in large part because these BCT graduates may not know how to set up and wear their issue dress blues properly - generally blues are issued early in the cycle and tailored at complete of all initial training because most soldiers add and lose inches during the training.
LTC Stephen C. Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Capt Christopher Mueller Capt Tom Brown Capt Seid Waddell MSG Andrew White SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SSgt Robert Marx TSgt Joe C. SP5 Mark Kuzinski SGT Robert George SPC (Join to see) SrA Christopher Wright SP5 Robert Ruck SCPO Morris RamseyCPL Eric Escasio SPC Margaret Higgins CPT Gabe Snell LTC Ivan Raiklin, Esq.
SPC (Join to see)
LTC Ford,
I never knew a person could ship off to BCT prior to earning their HS diploma. I always thought a GED or diploma was required prior to MEPS and swearing in. I am familiar with DEP for 17 years olds w/ a waiver but this is a first for me.
I concur with your statement regarding the practice, I too am a little concerned about these early service members wearing their uniforms at a HS commencement ceremony. Not to mention their military bearing and how they will conduct themselves while in uniform. To me this seems more about individual pride than patriotism. In other words, are they wearing their uniforms because of their service or just to stand out and look unique?
On the other hand I support prior service members or SM's wearing their uniforms at a college commencement ceremony. I feel a little more confident about their abilities upholding military traditions than a BCT graduate.
I never knew a person could ship off to BCT prior to earning their HS diploma. I always thought a GED or diploma was required prior to MEPS and swearing in. I am familiar with DEP for 17 years olds w/ a waiver but this is a first for me.
I concur with your statement regarding the practice, I too am a little concerned about these early service members wearing their uniforms at a HS commencement ceremony. Not to mention their military bearing and how they will conduct themselves while in uniform. To me this seems more about individual pride than patriotism. In other words, are they wearing their uniforms because of their service or just to stand out and look unique?
On the other hand I support prior service members or SM's wearing their uniforms at a college commencement ceremony. I feel a little more confident about their abilities upholding military traditions than a BCT graduate.
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