Posted on Nov 12, 2022
Gingrich: GOP Got Nearly 6 Million More Votes but Lost Many Races, 'What's Going On?'
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
IMHO the only time early voting should be done is when the person is going to be out of the country, or if the person is incapable due to medical reasons ie being in the hospital, nursing home, or confined to their home, and only a family member can take the ballot in. No mail in except for military oconus, everyone else election day voting. This BS over ID's, if you don't have a drivers license a state issued ID is free or a couple dollars. And what's the deal with counting the votes, there are states that can count seven million plus in less than eight hours, yet other states that have less to count can't do it in less than a week. There should be no race called before 100% of the votes are counted, I'm tired of seeing "with 70% reported in we are projecting that so & so is the winner" and the difference isn't that large. Again IMHO there have been more problems since more & more states have gone away from paper ballots.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
I concur on all counts. And what happened to local voting precincts at schools and churches?
SPC Gary C.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. - Up until the last two election cycles we voted in a local church, then the last two we were switched to a skating rink.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
Spc. Gary Cartwright, I agree 100% with you. Nebraska passed a resolution this midterm election requiring Photo ID's for future elections. They are now figureing how to implement it. I'm sure that the dem's will fight this tooth and nail, but it's a good start.
SPC Gary C.
SPC Lyle Montgomery - I've lived here for 30 years, and everytime I've voted I've needed to show my ID. The only time I haven't was the first time I voted. The polling place was the township house, and the township was out in the country, everyone knew everyone else. The booths were the kind where you walked in and pulled a lever to close a curtain, then you moved small levers to vote for the person, it was all paper.
I think the wholesale cheating is still going on but they learned not to push too many excess votes thru but to keep it close, especially in the swing states where the votes are STILL being counted 5 days after the election.
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