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LTC Stephen F.
Thank you my friend SGT (Join to see) for making us aware that on June 19, 1603, 'rich German woman' Merga Bien was arrested for witchcraft in Fulda, Germany,

Merga Bien - Musical Premiere

1. pages.rediff.com/merga-bien/1657474

1. Merga Bien burning at the stake in Autumn 1603
2. Actress portraying Merga Bien in Fulda jail
3. Merga Bien, monoprint by M. Schumacher
4. Tower used as prison during the witch trials in Fulda

1. Background from {[http://pages.rediff.com/merga-bien/1657474]}
"Merga Bien (late 1560s – 1603) was an alleged German witch, perhaps the most famous of the many victims in the great mass Fulda witch trials in Germany in 1603–1605.

Bien was born in the city of Fulda. She was married three times and was the heiress of her first two husbands, which was later an important part of the accusations of her. In 1588, she married Blasius Bien and moved from the city, but returned after a conflict with her husband's employers.

This was during the reign of the Prince-bishop Balthasar von Dernbach. A Catholic fanatic, he ordered an investigation of witchcraft in the city as a lead in his counterreformation after his accession in 1602. Over two hundred people were executed for witchcraft in the great witch trial, which lasted the three years he was in power, until his death in 1605. Merga was to be one of the first victims.

In March 1603, the investigations resulted in the first wave of arrests in the city. On 19 June, Merga was arrested and put in jail. Her husband protested before the court in Speyer and pointed out that she was pregnant.

In jail, she was forced to confess to the murder of her second husband and her children with him and one member of the family of her husband's employers, and that she had taken part in a sabbath of Satan. Her pregnancy was considered an aggravating circumstance; she and her husband had no children although they had been married for fourteen years, which raised the suspicion that they had used contraception."

2. Background from {[https://readersfavorite.com/articles/horror-history-merga-bien]}
"Merga Bien was a rich German woman who was found guilty of witchcraft. Known to be one of the most famous witches of Fulda, she had been married three times, with her first two husbands naming her their heiress. Because of the envy other people felt, they used these circumstances to have authorities arrest her. While her husband protested against her arrest, saying she was pregnant, Merga had later confessed to killing both her second husband and his children. Under the pain of torture, she was also forced to confess that she did it so she could attend the sabbath, and that she had sexual intercourse with the Devil himself. That, of course, had sealed her fate, and marked her trial as one of the most significant out of the witch trials.

Naturally, her execution came under scrutiny by many modern historians. After all, a witch hunter by the name of Balthasar von Dernbach had begun a mission to cleanse the area of any witches and to unite Germany by any means necessary. He was convinced in his cause, and as such, many other women practically fell prey to his interrogations and torture methods. What’s more, because of the political and religious turmoil ravaging Europe during the time, Merga Bien simply was one of the more unfortunate souls within history’s domineering way. However, what caused her trial to be so particularly famous was the fact that she was a rich woman with a husband who cared for her. Despite the fact that she lived in Germany, one of the most well-known witch hunting areas, she was actually famous for arguing with her husband’s employers. Because women weren’t supposed to speak out against men, out of fear that they may be accused as a witch, it might’ve been the reason that led to her downfall.

After all, during the time of the European Witch Trials, women were expected to be subservient to men. Back then, the natural order was considered to be that men were supposed to lead, and women were to follow. However, there were exceptions, such as midwives, healers, and even old folk women, who benefited the village from their knowledge. When the European Witch Trials began, many of these women were taken and executed, simply because they were shown to be more independent than their counterparts. Old, impoverished women were just as likely to be taken as well. But what managed to finally bring the witch hunts to a massacre was when the rich and elite were involved. Women like Merga Bien were forced to contend with others, simply because of the pure magnitude of their fortune, alongside the paranoia that their rulers were witches. This manifested into a variety of accusations, such as attending the witch’s sabbath, selling their souls to the Devil, and killing children.

The human imagination was a terrifying thing, especially during those trying times. Such times inspired works like Into the Darkest Fire by Juliana Haygert, and The Secret Witch by Jeff Severcool. While trials like Merga Bien's are now taken with a pinch of salt, it didn’t stop people from burning her alive, along with others. Despite the scrutiny we put trials like hers under, it doesn’t replace the fact that many lives were lost, alongside a culture that is slowly, but surely, recovering."

FYI SPC Margaret Higgins1SG Walter Craig SPC Matthew Lamb PFC Richard Hughes SSG Chad Henning PO2 (Join to see)COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SFC (Join to see) SGT Steve McFarland CWO3 (Join to see) PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC (Join to see)LTC Greg HenningSP5 Mark KuzinskiCapt Rich BuckleyCynthia Croft CWO3 Dennis M. SFC William Farrell
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
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LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
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PVT Mark Zehner
Very interesting!
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Cpl Benjamin Long
yes this is a time when the burned people in a hysterical fear... much like ANTIFA hysterically destroying statures and murdering people as a lynch mob.... the communists must burn the heretics
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