Posted 10 mo ago
Responses: 2
Two sets of "RULES" or "LAWS", one set for the Dems and One set for the REPs is NOT going to work for a fair and "Equitable" government IMHO!!! I personally am PO'd about it... We are being turned inside and out by the left in my opinion!
IMHO, the gun charges will eventually go away. In light of Bruen and the 5th Circuit's decision (and yes, I know this is not in the 5th circuit, so that is not *binding* on this court, but it is *informative* for them) saying that addicts can have guns, the 4473 itself is likely to (eventually) be declared un-Constitutional - or at least that question will be. Additionally, the possession while an addict charges will go away. Unless the government can prove he was actively handling a firearm WHILE HIGH (which I have seen no evidence of - not that I have been following all that close), these charges disappear.
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