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Responses: 10
SSG Warren Swan
I don't believe for one second any of them have a "plan". It's a lot of talk about supporting us and how President (insert whoever), failed you and I'll make good on my promises. VA has been a complete mess for 50+ years, through multiple wars and conflicts and hasn't been dealt with. Even now when folks really go after the VA for mistakes, they get folks relieved, and when they go to court, that very person is back in the position they were removed from. Moving away from that, you on one hand say you support the vets and the military and the second thing out of your mouth is you need to deploy us. I understand fully the importance of using the military to get a nasty job done when diplomacy has failed, but it should be used as a LAST resort, not a FIRST resort to get votes. The people who pay for this are the troops. It seems using military force is more of an ego boost to some candidates to show "I got to play with the big toys". We're not pawns to be played with.
MSG Anthony Makar
MSG Anthony Makar
>1 y
The VA is only one part, be it a big part that deals with veterans. How ever I hear nothing about retired veterans and their eroding pay checks due to higher premiums and exorbitant SBP rates and inflation. Every few years the DOD and the Government takes more benefits away from the retiree.
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PO2 Mark Saffell
Edited >1 y ago
I agree the VA is a mess. I work with a guy that for his family's Christmas Present they pulled life support from his brother who died 2 days later. You say that happens all the time well it didn't need to happen here. His brother wanted to see a VA doctor and waited 3 months. Turned out he had cancer and during the waiting time it had spread throughout his body to the point there was nothing that could be done...So the famous waiting list killed this man for NOTHING. He served his country with honor and deserved better than that from his country.
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SP5 Mark Kuzinski
Talking points only - Plan no way.
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