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Responses: 3
MSgt Dale Johnson
Edited 7 d ago
The Media has been Anti-Trump from almost day one, in my opinion after the clip where he spoke about grabbing women, which was a VERY stupid thing to say, he has always been cast in a negative light. Everyone has faults and that should be weighed against him along with his inflammatory remarks.

However, in his first tern the Democrats never stopped trying to Impeach him even with the Steel Dossier that they KNEW was fabricated. Never in the History of this Nation has a sitting President had to deal with the amount of false turmoil the Democrats put him through and yet none of them were ever held truly accountable.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
SPC Lyle Montgomery
7 d
Msgt Dale Johnson, I have never seen so much lieing by the democrat,communist party since Trump was first elected. Kamila is one of the biggest liars that I have ever seen. She has no substance whatsoever, so she has to lie. What a bunch of losers. Her VP, Walz has proven that he has a problem telling the truth, just another chairborn ranger.
Bethina Lee
Bethina Lee
7 d
This is what happens when the News Reporting agencies charge their status from "News" to "Entertainment News" Fox started it in the mid 90's or so...because of that filing status, they can report whatever the he11 they want to...per the companies CEO political views, the owner, etc...it does not have to be 100% truthful anymore
CPL Douglas Chrysler
CPL Douglas Chrysler
7 d
Don't you love how Democrats spend our tax dollars. It's almost as if they are all on some kind of voucher and don't pay taxes.
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SPC Joseph Kopac
Satans Tramp ? That’s real journalism.
Bethina Lee
Bethina Lee
7 d
lol that's a new one...
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SSG Franklin Briant
The news and Hollywood are lap dogs for the democrats, even if they would say something positive it would be suspect.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
7 d
This is actually very positive...a side of Trump most of us don't get from the news.
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