Recent Activity -
The war was winding down for Grunts when I got to Vietnam. My first couple of months was spent as a Rifleman with the 101st in I Corp. They stood down and I was sent to III Corp with the 1st Air Cavalry. Was a RTO and a Rifleman with the 5th Regiment. Later got transferred to E Company as a Mortar Man. 5th Regiment stands down and now sent to 8th Regiment as a Mortar Man. Later sent to Fort Hood.
Military Experiences
May 1972 - Feb 1973
Forward Observer
Forward Observer. We also participated in President Johnson's funeral when he died in early 1973
Combat Support Company 1/8 Cav.
Combat Support Company 1/8 Cav.
Jul 1971 - Sep 1971
Infantry Trainee
Learn basic infantry skills and prepare for Vietnam. Tigerland. Learned how to use the 81mm mortar and map reading.
(8 months)Military Credentials
Foreign Language Skills
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information