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Responses: 7
MAJ Byron Oyler
I personally feel many of the jobs lost at the end of Trump's presidency and the gain of jobs under Biden were a result of COVID. So many were lost at the peak of COVID and eventually they were coming back in some fashion.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
29 d
It appears Covid was a major factor not only in job losses but many companies also failing by being unable to operate in the usual manner.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
28 d
That is probably true early on but now we're seeing jobs coming as the results of economic stimulation.
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SGT Aaron Atwood
You mentioned "BRS" at one point in your post. As someone pretty doggoned ignorant on the subject what does that stand for; assuming you're not talking about the newest military retirement system.

I was also about to ask about "BLS," but your tags answered that question.
SGT Aaron Atwood
SGT Aaron Atwood
29 d
Never mind I see the answer to the BRS question as well. I should've read all the way through first before asking anything. My bust!
COL Randall C.
COL Randall C.
29 d
Apologies - it's late and I ignored the first rule of abbreviations - spell them out the first time you use them.

BRS - Business Response Survey
SGT Aaron Atwood
SGT Aaron Atwood
29 d
COL Randall C. Yeah, I realized I should've read the post all the way through first. My bust!
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LTC Self Employed
Sir Sirius XM Ch.113 Fox Business has discussed the FEDs were one of the biggest employers. IRS wanted 5 Divisions of IRS agents. Other agencies hiring offset some of the layoffs. We may know by fall if we are in a recession from earlier this year.

The Stock Market is out of correction territory but we may still have a soft landing. My Jewish Shipping Company ZIM is posting a .93 cents a share dividend for those who buy shares before 8/27/24 paid on 9/5/24. My Shipping and oil stocks are paying dividends (Trickle-Down-Economics) to offset lower stock prices if we do go in a recession. As long as Democrats keep spending, our future economically is challenging.

COL Randall C. SGT Aaron Atwood MAJ Byron Oyler
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Eugene Chu 1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR) LTC Trent Klug SMSgt Lawrence McCarter MSgt Jason McClish LTC Stephen F. COL Randall C. CPT Jack Durish Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen LTC Thomas (Tom) Jones Lt Col Charlie Brown SFC Dr. Jesus Garcia-Arce, Psy.D
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
29 d
I get there are always revisions, but come one, 800k worth? The Biden team was gas-lighting us.
COL Randall C.
COL Randall C.
28 d
LTC Trent Klug, I agree that 818k revision is a large one (the largest benchmark revision in 15 years), but as I described, the information is based on two different measures. The monthly estimates are done by surveys and the March benchmark information is derived largely from State unemployment records (for 97% of the information).
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
28 d
COL Randall C. Understood. However, after the forced imprisonment, er, lockdown for covid I no longer trust any federal or state government entity to tell even a partial truth.

My home state (Oregon) couldn't give you the correct unemployment figures for over a year, let alone process claims as their system instantaneously broke right as the 15 day to slow the spread moved into its two year sentence.
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