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Responses: 4
CSM Charles Hayden
Did you notice? There is not even a recommendation that gun owners train and or qualify annually with their weapon of choice? SGT (Join to see)
SGT Program Coordinator
SGT (Join to see)
1 mo
Bethina Lee - Lol, funny but true
SGT Program Coordinator
SGT (Join to see)
1 mo
Bethina Lee - There was a police reserve officer here on Guam in the early 80's, who work during nights only.
I remember her saying one day to other reserve officers, "I don't, or want to kill anyone, so I don't have bullets in my revolver".
Well, one night, she got shot and killed, not having bullets in her revolver.
She never liked me, because one night I arrested her younger brother for having 28 baggies of marjuana for sale, durning a pull over.
Bethina Lee
Bethina Lee
1 mo
SGT (Join to see) I think some of the "Extremely Liberal Cities" that are anti gun it's how you are supposed to store your guns. Bullets in a separate room, gun unloaded with a gun lock, and put into a gun safe (that the safe is so ridiculously over board) that it will take an expert safe cracker to get into. Hell in that case, take a picture of the damn thing and hang it in the living room as a "Warning"
Useless as most politicians that "claim thatl they run this country
Bethina Lee
Bethina Lee
1 mo
SGT (Join to see) wtf, lmao, there is something in the Asian culture that they enable their male children no matter what they do...it's still like that are "God of the World" just like my brother
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SSG Michael Noll
Indeed Brother Rick.
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CPL Douglas Chrysler
Last Sunday I was in the same Walmart where a shoplifter was shot and killed in front of me. I was back by the auto parts section and there was no one around when the alarms went off. Lights flashing and a siren blaring. I abandoned my shopping and headed to the front of the store at a normal pace when there he was coming out of a side aisle. He was about to approach me when two officers entered from the front. I didn't have to draw my weapon but I kept my hand flat against the side of the pistol under my shirt. I don't know what the fellow did, but he decided to give himself to the police. I stood back and waited until they had him safely restrained then took another side aisle to a main one. All I can say is thank you multi great grandfathers for giving up so much for all of us to have the Constitution.
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