Posted 9 mo ago
Responses: 5
I will never understand people loosing control of their weapons, or leaving them in vehicles...I don't get it.
CPT Lawrence Cable
How many places are no gun zones? How many employers forbid you from carrying on the premise?
SrA John Monette
MSG Thomas Currie no clue? How about the hundreds of mass shootings that happen every year in this country? And don’t preach about what the founders meant when they wrote 2A. You conveniently skip over “a well-regulated militia “ when in actuality there are very few militias anymore. Why is it that the right wants very little gun control, even common sense legislation? Do you really care more about your guns than the hundreds of children’s lives that are stolen every year by some nut job?
MSG Thomas Currie
SrA John Monette - Yes you have "no clue" about the nonsense you posted that I replied to -- then you change the topic, to try to make a completely different point where you are equally clueless.
Yes, I am familiar with the phrase "a well regulated militia" but unlike you I know what that phrase meant when it was written. It referred to militia regulations that required each military-age male citizen to maintain a military-grade weapon and an adequate stockpile of ammunition. So, yes if we were going to have a "well regulated militia" today we ought to have a law requiring each military-age person to keep an M16 and at least 210 rounds of 5.56mm ammunition in 7 magazines in their home and to go fire it regularly to maintain proficiency. There would be exceptions for those civilians who agreed to maintain heavier military-grade weapons such as belt-fed machine guns, cannons, mortars, or tanks. Somehow I don't think that's what you want, is it?
As for your nonsense claims of some enormous number of "mass shootings" (your numbers come from a fake source that makes up their own definitions and "data") even you admit that those are committed "by some nut job" -- so why are you opposed to programs to take the mental health crisis seriously? Of course, the truth is that most shootings are simply gang violence, but we are not allowed to addres or even discuss gang violence because that would adversely impact certain ethnic demographics that we aren't allowed to mention except as "victims".
Yes, I am familiar with the phrase "a well regulated militia" but unlike you I know what that phrase meant when it was written. It referred to militia regulations that required each military-age male citizen to maintain a military-grade weapon and an adequate stockpile of ammunition. So, yes if we were going to have a "well regulated militia" today we ought to have a law requiring each military-age person to keep an M16 and at least 210 rounds of 5.56mm ammunition in 7 magazines in their home and to go fire it regularly to maintain proficiency. There would be exceptions for those civilians who agreed to maintain heavier military-grade weapons such as belt-fed machine guns, cannons, mortars, or tanks. Somehow I don't think that's what you want, is it?
As for your nonsense claims of some enormous number of "mass shootings" (your numbers come from a fake source that makes up their own definitions and "data") even you admit that those are committed "by some nut job" -- so why are you opposed to programs to take the mental health crisis seriously? Of course, the truth is that most shootings are simply gang violence, but we are not allowed to addres or even discuss gang violence because that would adversely impact certain ethnic demographics that we aren't allowed to mention except as "victims".
Good advice but I take it further by installing a small safe in the car.
WTF would I leave a weapon outside in a vehicle where it is totally inaccessible to me in a situation were I desperately need it??
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