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Responses: 3
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
"But they also were confident the changes were of such magnitude that the United States would either become—in the infamous phrase of Barack Obama—“fundamentally transformed” or force the next Republican administration to adopt such tough medicine that it would prove untenable politically and the malady would still prove mostly impossible to undo.

After all, how would a Trump administration deal with 10 million illegal aliens who entered the US without audit or legality? Where are they? How would they be found and deported? How many court suits in blue-jurisdictions before blue judges would have to be overcome?

The country has become accultured to a nonexistent border. And so, the left assumes, it would be expensive and difficult to finish the wall, to stop catch and release, to insist refugee status must be obtained before entry, and to deport what is likely now 20-30 million illegal aliens in toto. In other words, the Biden administration may sigh, “Our work is done. Whatever you think about our illegal methods, we forever changed the idea of immigration and the demographics of the country.”"

God help us! I say start the round up before it's too late.
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SGT James Murphy
Great Article by Victor Davis Hansen one of my Favorites! I do have a problem with all the Ad's in these "newsletter" posts. Way too much!
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SFC Ralph E Kelley
1. They are here. Milk doesn't get put back into the cow.
2. There certainly hasn't been 100 million murderers, thieves and rapist - or we would know it.
3. Most ARE working and supporting themselves.
4. The only places I know where they are living off the taxpayers is in the liberal cities where the politicians are sing their citizens bounty to house and feed them.
5. If they are productive workers - let them stay and provide them with green cards (one way to track them and their taxes) along with a way to proudly achieve their citizenship.
6. The nes that are not productive - kick them out.
CPL Douglas Chrysler
CPL Douglas Chrysler
12 d
#3. Not from where I'm sitting.
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