Posted on Jan 22, 2024
Saudi Arabia won't recognize Israel without a path to a Palestinian state, top diplomat says
Posted 1 y ago
Responses: 5
Is that supposed to be earth shattering? Israel gave the Palestinians a chance for something like a 2 party state and they proceeded to put Hamas in a position of power over them. Saudi and many countries in the region only recently recognized Israel, look at one of the underlying issues that led to the creation of HQUSCENTCOM.....those countries didn't want to work with a military command that was also in charge of Israel (HQUSEUCOM). Saudi Arabia may control lots of oil but their recognition or non-reconition of another country doesn't mean squat.
It's the Palestinians who do not have the self-rule, thy gave it to HAMAS, and we have seen the result... Get Hamas the h3ll out of the way, and perhaps the Palestinians can pull a government together...
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