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A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
This Country Needs To Send Out A Message:
"Lock N' Load, We're Coming Over To Pay You A Visit"
Then When It's OVER?.....Keep Those Countries As "Spoils Of War".
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CPL LaForest Gray
V1 : https://youtu.be/hofWP7XeU5o?si=kn9VjPm5LamBEsmm

1.) Noam Chomsky Rails Against Israel, Again

Conjures images of apartheid, and the United States as a “Mafia don”

World-renowned linguist and U.S. foreign policy critic Noam Chomsky addressed an audience of about 500 people at BU last night, lashing out at what he calls Israel’s “escalating policy of apartheid,” which he believes is in some respects worse than the longtime degradation of the nonwhite majority in South Africa.

Addressing a supportive crowd at the College of General Studies Jacob Sleeper Auditorium in his signature fluid monotone, the 82-year-old Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor emeritus of linguistics offered a torrent of factoids, indicting Israel for its actions in Lebanon, the West Bank, east Jerusalem, and especially Gaza. The author of dozens of books, including most recently the upcoming Hopes and Prospects, Chomsky spoke at the invitation of the BU student group Students for Justice in Palestine as part of the University’s first-time participation in Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW), a series of events held in cities and campuses across the globe. According to its Web site, prominent Palestinians, Jewish anti-Zionists, and South Africans have been at the forefront of the IAW effort to exert pressure on Israel “to alter its current structure and practices as an apartheid state.”

SOURCE : https://www.bu.edu/articles/2010/noam-chomsky-rails-against-israel-again/

2.) Reviewed Work: The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians by Noam Chomsky

Review by: Nabeel Abraham
Arab Studies Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Winter 1986), pp. 69-74 (6 pages)


SOURCE : https://www.jstor.org/stable/41857812?seq=3

3.) Noam Chomsky dissects American politics, Israeli-Palestinian conflict during Oakland Tech event
Alicia Medina on March 7, 2018

SOURCE : https://oaklandnorth.net/2018/03/07/noam-chomsky-dissects-american-politics-israeli-palestinian-conflict-during-oakland-tech-event/

4.) Noam Chomsky Denied Entry to Israel

Israel admits error in denying Chomsky entry into controlled territory.
May 17, 2010, 7:44 AM ET
• 2 min read

JERUSALEM, May 17, 2010 — -- Israeli authorities admitted today that they erred by denying renowned left-wing, U.S. intellectual Noam Chomsky entry into Israeli-controlled territory.

After hours of questioning Sunday by Israeli officials at a border crossing between Jordan and the occupied Palestinian West Bank, he was forced to return to the Jordanian capital, Amman.

SOURCE : https://abcnews.go.com/amp/International/noam-chomsky-american-left-wing-intellectual-denied-entry/story?id=10664920

5.) Understanding American Support for Israeli Policies

American support for Israeli policies is driven by a combination of evangelical Christian beliefs, nativist elements in American society, and strategic alliances, leading to strong support for Israeli actions and a close relationship between the two countries.

Timestamped Summary

00:00 American support for Israeli policies is driven by Christian evangelicals with radical statist beliefs and extreme anti-semitic views, leading to strong support for Israeli crimes. 

02:43 The Republican party gains votes by mobilizing nativist elements in American society and exploiting long-standing fears of gun violence. 

04:55 The strong support for Israeli policies in the US has deeper reasons beyond lobbying and contributions, and it developed significantly after 1967. 

06:07 The US supports radical Islam over secular nationalism in the Arab world to maintain control and prevent independence, with Israel delivering a blow to secular nationalism in 1967. 

07:02 Israel's strategic alliance with the US is rooted in its role in favoring Saudi Arabia and aiding the US in various conflicts.

08:33 Israel and the US have a close military and intelligence relationship, with Israel heavily relying on high-tech military production and export, and the US participating in Israeli nuclear and high-tech developments.

10:40 The strong influence of evangelical Christianity and high-level US policy has led to America holding Israel as a sacred cow. 

11:16 The United States and Israel share a settler colonial society, which resonates with Americans due to the similarity in their historical actions.

SOURCE : https://eightify.app/summary/geopolitics-and-international-relations/understanding-american-support-for-israeli-policies
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CPL LaForest Gray

1.) A Closer Look at China-Iran Relations Roundtable Report
Peter Mackenzie

* The CNA China Studies division provides its sponsors, and the public, analyses of China’s emerging role in the international order, China’s impact in the Asia-Pacific region, important issues in US-China relations, and insights into critical developments within China itself.

* Whether focused on Chinese defense and security issues, Beijing’s foreign policies, bilateral relations, political developments, economic affairs, or social change, our analysts adhere to the same spirit of non-partisanship, objectivity, and empiricism that is the hallmark of CNA research.

SOURCE : https://www.cna.org/reports/2010/D0023622.A3.pdf

2.) China and Iran
Economic, Political, and Military Relations

Research Questions

* What is the nature and range of cooperation between China and Iran?

* What implications does the Chinese-Iranian partnership have for U.S. interests and objectives?

* What options are available to the United States to influence the Chinese-Iranian partnership to meet U.S. objectives?

Key Findings

Chinese-Iranian Economic and Energy Cooperation

Chinese-Iranian Strategic and Defense Cooperation

The Nature of the Chinese-Iranian Relationship


* The U.S. ability to fundamentally reshape China's relationship with Iran is fairly limited, but the United States should continue to forestall an Iranian nuclear weapons capability and pressure China to reduce ties to Iran.

SOURCE : https://www.rand.org/pubs/occasional_papers/OP351.html

3.) This Is Why China Is Strengthening Ties With Iran Amid Tensions With US

“China-Iran Relations: China is willing to work with Iran to implement the bilateral comprehensive cooperation plan, and promote cooperation in jointly building the Belt and Road and in such fields as energy and resources.”

* Middle East and North Africa
Shared interests: Why both China and the West support the Iran nuclear deal

China’s economic support for Iran in recent years encouraged Tehran to come back to the negotiating table. Instability in the Middle East is as little in Beijing’s interests as it is in the West’s.

SOURCE : https://ecfr.eu/article/shared-interests-why-both-china-and-the-west-support-the-iran-nuclear-deal/
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