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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL Past Due, Monuments to Treason against the United States of America have No Place.
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9 mo
Chip, you cannot say this loud enough! Nor articulate enough!
It's time that treason no longer reign in THE UNION!
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SPC (Other / Not listed)
A memorial to the treasonous traitorous southern states who attempted to destroy the country has no place of honor in a UNION CEMETERY!

"The decision ignores a recent demand from more than 40 Republican congressmen that the Pentagon suspend efforts to dismantle and remove the monument from Arlington cemetery."

We need to dismantle and remove the forty, traitorous treasonous republican congressmen from Washington, DC. Let them go back to their treasonous traitorous capitol in Montgomery, AL.
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CPL LaForest Gray

1.) Marines Move to Tackle Racial Extremists in the Corps

An updated order emphasizes that participating in white supremacist groups is prohibited and calls on service members to report those who violate the policy.

by Rahima Nasa Aug. 30, 2018, 2 p.m. EDT

A ProPublica and Frontline investigation this year revealed that Vasillios G. Pistolis, a Marine based at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, had engaged in a series of assaults during the Charlottesville rally. Pistolis, who had been a member of the white extremist group known as Atomwaffen Division, was subsequently subjected to a court-martial and forced from the Corps. Pistolis told ProPublica and Frontline that he had left the racist group and that he had not been present in Charlottesville. However, there are photographs, video and text messages that make clear he was indeed there.

SOURCE : https://www.propublica.org/article/marines-move-to-tackle-racial-extremists-in-the-corps/amp

2.) This guide is provided for Marine Corps commanders to facilitate the SECDEF-directed Stand-Down to Address Extremism in the Ranks.

Part I: Facilitator Guidance

Highly Recommended

o To give context and establish a good mindset for the training, begin the session with guidance from the SECDEF, Commandant and Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, and Unit Leadership.

o Conduct a rehearsal of the brief with a select audience prior to delivering it to all personnel within the unit.
o When possible, have a command legal advisor or staff judge advocate present or available when conducting the stand-down.

o Ensure that participation in the training is tracked and reported, and that feedback from the discussion groups is gathered and forwarded as directed.

Do’s and Don’ts of Facilitation
o Do strongly reinforce the Marine Corps policy and values (e.g. Core Values; dignity and respect; professionalism; accountability for one’s actions; no place for active participation in extremist/supremacist activity).

o Do ensure everyone in the room can hear the discussion. Repeat questions and comments that may have been spoken too quietly for others to hear.

o Do be alert to statements about Prohibited Activities (Extremism in the Ranks) which rely on inaccurate or misleading assumptions, misperception or myth. Correct these inaccuracies in a resolute, respectful manner.

o Do refer to SECDEF and CMC messages to emphasize DoD and Marine Corps leadership’s talking points.

o Do not allow only a few participants to dominate the conversation.

o Do not let the group stray off topic. Keep the conversation focused.

o Do not speculate or guess if you do not know how to answer a question about statistics, resources, law or policy. Offer to research the question and provide an answer later and explain your plan for following up.

o Do not disclose or permit discussion of ongoing investigations. , including details about alleged or suspected incidents. Illustrative “schoolhouse” training scenarios can elicit appropriate discussion while avoiding impermissible disclosure of sensitive or protected information.


The vast majority of Marines, Sailors, and civilian Marines uphold our core values, and do not support racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists, including white supremacists, and other domestic terrorists such as anti-government violent extremists. However, recent events have shown that we must be ever vigilant in our efforts to identify and combat such ideology within the ranks and organization.

The Marine Corps does not and will not tolerate supremacist or extremist conduct. All Hands deserve an environment free of unlawful discrimination, hate, and harassment. Such misconduct violate our shared commitment to support and defend the Constitution and those who promote these ideas seek to divide us as a nation. You make our Marine Corps better by showing others that you will not tolerate such misconduct.

SOURCE : https://www.marines.mil/Portals/1/Docs/Extremism/Extremism%20-%20Facilitator%20Guide%20and%20Speaker%20Notes%20-%20USMC%20-%20Extremism%20Stand-Down%20Training.pdf?ver=zAx1-TuxONXZSxKBe74w7w%3D%3D&timestamp= [login to see] 51#:~:text=The%20Marine%20Corps%20does%20not,tolerate%20supremacist%20or%20extremist%20conduct.
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