Posted on Nov 25, 2023
Concern about military toxic exposure injuries remains high among vets
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
It's 2am in the morning and I'm sound to sleep when the CQ pounds on my door and tells me I have a call on the secure line at the shop. Thankfully the shop is just across the street from the Barracks. So I get up and head over to the shop. The voice on the other end says I need to come out to The HQ site where the search radar is as there has been a mishap. I ask what kind of mishap. The response was they had dropped a TR tube containing CO-60 on the floor and it burst into pieces and they wanted me to come out and clean up the mess. I informed them that they needed to contact their NBC officer to come out to recon the van. Did they do it. My guess is they did not. These are the same people who would keep the power supply drawer to the radar open thus bathing everything inside including themselves with X-Rays. noting like ionizing radiation to keep you warm on a cold German night.
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