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Responses: 3
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Thee Rat's stealing from stores need to be punished for any theft at all and penalties have to be imposed on these thieves. Tolerance of these involved in this theft is NOT acceptable and hurts all of us, the consumers and the business or individuals they stole from. Lack of punishment has made an existing problem ever worse. It's to bad these controls have to used but with there being more worry about the thief than the victims We have a real problem ! It seems some public officials (community Leder, Judges and even so called prosecutors ) don't get that concept until they become victims themselves. then ding, ding a late wake up call.
MSgt Dale Johnson
MSgt Dale Johnson
1 y
I worked for a VERY short time as an Assist Manager in Retail in Louisiana. At that time they had a group of thieves that would enter a store one or two at a time get in position and at a coordinated time grab stuff and all rush the exit. There would be 25 or 30 people all running out at the same time to multiple awaiting vehicles.

Danged hard to stop, my thoughts were to have someone always at the door and when they rushed start shooting off kneecaps. Maybe that is why I didn't stay there any longer.
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LTC Marc King
Why blind them temporarily… make it permanent and this crap will stop!
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
1 y
LTC Marc King During my Korean tour in 1954/55, we understood the Turkish Soldiers would remove a hand from any “slickee boy” they apprehended!
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LTC Trent Klug
So CS has been green-lighted? Good to know.
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