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Responses: 6
LTC Stephen F.
Edited 1 y ago
Thank you my friend and brother-in-Christ MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. for posting the political satire of Babylonbee.com }Hunter Avoids Jail Time After Pleading Biden
My Interview with Hunter Biden! Laptop and Twitter Cover Up

Background from {[babylonbee.com/news/hunter-avoids-jail-time-after-pleading-biden
WILMINGTON, DE — Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, has successfully negotiated an agreement with federal prosecutors to avoid jail time for charges of tax and firearm crimes by pleading "Biden."
"It's an airtight legal defense," said CNN legal analyst Laura Coates. "Our sources have reported Hunter's attorneys met with prosecutors and simply said ‘Our client's last name is Biden,' at which point prosecutors agreed to forego any jail time for the charges. Prosecutors knew they could do nothing against the ‘I'm a Biden' defense tactic. It works every time."
Hunter's legal team defended the deal against claims of preferential treatment. "Allegations of double standards are ridiculous," said one of Hunter's attorneys. "Every Biden is treated exactly the same way."
Criticism of the deal came in quickly from right-wing Nazi MAGA Republicans. "So he doesn't pay his taxes, breaks federal gun laws, and rapes underage prostitutes, but he gets no jail time?" said local unimportant middle-class guy David Megli. "I guess it pays off to be the son of a corrupt President after all."
As part of the plea deal, Hunter's most severe penalty will be having his hair playfully tousled by the judge while being called "a naughty little rascal." Hunter will then return home to celebrate the plea deal by snorting cocaine off a hooker's buttocks.
At publishing time, former President Donald Trump had filed paperwork to legally change his last name to Biden in an effort to have all federal indictments against him dropped."
FYI PV2 Scott M.Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth SPC (Join to see) LTC John Shaw SPC Robert Coventry SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.DLTC (Join to see) MSgt Robert C Aldi PO1 Howard Barnes COL Randall C. LTC Greg Henning LTC Charles Blake MAJ (Join to see) Maj Kim Patterson Maj John Bell Maj Joan Marine SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SSgt David M.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
I know this is satire but the outcome of the situation is infuriating.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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1 y
It sure is ma’am.
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LTC Self Employed
What's really sad is an accountant working for president Trump didn't include some write offs that were illegal and he is now at Rikers Island serving time. So it goes to show that for a lot less money being embezzled or not reported, Republican Petty criminals spend time in jail. Also, Hunter Biden was busted for pissing hot on his urinalysis when he was an instant in the naval Reserve yet he was only given a general discharge and I know from my experience being on those officer separation boards that an officer automatically gets a dishonorable discharge for having narcotics show up on your your analysis but President Biden and his family get away with everything and get a slap on the wrist.

LTC Stephen F. SFC (Join to see) PV2 Scott Mollette A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney SFC (Join to see)
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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1 y
As I’ve been saying since Hunter Biden got off with no jail time where others have gotten plenty for the same offenses: It’s a shame the DOJ, FBI, and CIA destroyed the principle of equal justice under the law in the United States of America.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
1 y
Correction to my voice text error, Hunter Biden briefly was an ensign in the United States naval Reserve but his drug addictions were eventually discovered and he pissed hot or came up positive on a routine urinalysis and was chaptered out of the Navy on General conditions instead of dishonorable conditions which goes to show that he used the Biden name to get out of a dishonorable discharge. These are routine to give an officer and dishonorable discharge in these officers separation boards. I have been on three of them and I can't believe he got a general discharge!

By the way, I know this is a parody for making fun of President Biden and the corrupt Biden family. It's really funny when the Babylon bee made fun of Hunter Biden's cash being flown out on a ch-54 sea stallion getting the cash out of Harm's Way.

LTC Stephen F. PV2 Scott Mollette SFC (Join to see) Lt Col Charlie Brown A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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1 y
LTC (Join to see) Yep! That’s what it looks like! :)
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
1 y
LTC (Join to see) -
The Facts Remain And It's Always Been True,
"Money Talks And... You Know The Rest"
I Know It's A Fact From Living In Latin America
With A Very Wealthy Brother. BUT, I Was Told This :
"Little Brother, You're Going To Be Living A Very Privileged Life;
And Will Be ABLE To Get Away With A Lot; BUT If You EVER Embarrass
ME Or The Family Name, I Will Personally Take Your Azz Over To The Pacific
And Toss It Into The Ocean And You'll Have To SWIM Back To The States"
Jim Was A Fantastic Person In Every Way Possible, And Gave AWAY More Money
Than I've EVER Earned, To Help Others In Need.... Here's Part Of His Philosophy:
"If You're More Fortunate Than Others, Build A LONGER TABLE, NOT A Higher WALL"
And He Lived It......
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