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Responses: 4
LTC Self Employed
The left cares more about criminals. A black man stabbed to death for no reason with a butcher knife on video and left to die while Alvin Bragg's office allowed 2 to walk with time served. Even with black on black murder, just because it was a hearing held by Republicans in new york, the desperate Democrats tried to discredit this mom who wears a dog tags of her son and said that she was a prop for republicans. I don't see black lives matter protesting the murder of this man. Noticed that if it's people who worked for Biden who bring up information against Democrats they are called Russian assets. Democrats can't call her a Russian asset so they call her on the victims of Alvin Bragg and week on crime New York District Attorneys as props for republicans. Listen to this video and she totally rips a new butthole. This lady really talks from the heart explaining what she went through and why she set up her organization.

You won't see zombie Angry Joy Reed and other idiots of MSNBC side with other crime but they want to make this former Sergeant a villain when the psycho on the subway who was choked to death was well known and had been arrested at least four dozen times but this goes to show when you take care of illegal aliens and you overlook the attics and mental cases. If you had 9 million a day put into Mental Health of New York city, you wouldn't have situations like this but they have $9 million dollars a day to take care of the legal aliens that Democrats and President Biden want to come to New York City. Maybe not come to New York City but come into the USA to become Democrats of the future or so they think.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth SFC (Join to see) SFC John Davis

Watch some Progressive for Molly Point call her saying she has Stolen Valor because she's wearing the dog tags of her deceased son. She wears a dog tags to remind her of her son serving in combat and reminding New Yorkers of how messed up of a district attorney they have voted in and he continues to consider criminal Saints and victims to be marginalized.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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I personally believe the Progressives/Socialists/Communists trying to paint a person defending himself and others against an extremely violence person as being "extreme" is going to backfire big time. People know BS when they see it.
SrA Ronald Moore
SrA Ronald Moore
>1 y
Thanks for sharing
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Article Quote: "There’s a growing movement of right-wing politicians, activists and pundits staking out an extreme position in ardent support of Penny.". MSNBC is saying defending yourself against violent criminals is "extreme". Boy are they out of touch with the principles our Country is founded on and what the majority of people think. The people working for MSNBC may be mentally ill themselves.
SrA Ronald Moore
SrA Ronald Moore
>1 y
I do suggest Cut off all the News Stations,And live without them locally also.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
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SrA Ronald Moore - I can understand what you mean. Unfortunately, a free press is supposed to help keep our Constitutional Republic honest and free. Now it seems they only work against Conservatives.
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
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SFC (Join to see) - They also work for the downfall of the nation as a whole.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
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CPT (Join to see) You got that right sir.
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SrA Ronald Moore
Thanks for sharing
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