Posted on Apr 18, 2023
NY Court: “Innovative” Gun Control is Unconstitutional - Guns in the News
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 5
Good. Red Flag laws are just plain wrong. You want someone's weapons because of whatever issue, it better be have been done with all due processes.
The article sounds like this ruling was more about loopholes in the law.
Mental illness is a major problem that we Americans seem to ignore or hide. Do we really want a mentally unstable person walking around with a AK47?
Mental illness is a major problem that we Americans seem to ignore or hide. Do we really want a mentally unstable person walking around with a AK47?
MSG Stan Hutchison
PV2 Scott Mollette - Not necessarily true. A mentally unstable person may not have the reasoning capabilities to find a source. Why make it easy for them?
SFC Casey O'Mally
Do I want a mentally unstable person walking around with an AK? No.
But I would rather that than a mentally stable one have his guns stripped from him - and have to pay huge legal fees to get them back - based on a vindictive accusation or misdiagnosis, and with no chance to defend his rights before they are stripped away.
Any time a law is being considered, lawmakers should assume it will be abused. They should first try to close loopholes or implement safeguards to prevent as much abuse as possible. They should then weigh if the cost of abuse is greater than the benefit of use. Tie goes to NOT creating more laws.
But I would rather that than a mentally stable one have his guns stripped from him - and have to pay huge legal fees to get them back - based on a vindictive accusation or misdiagnosis, and with no chance to defend his rights before they are stripped away.
Any time a law is being considered, lawmakers should assume it will be abused. They should first try to close loopholes or implement safeguards to prevent as much abuse as possible. They should then weigh if the cost of abuse is greater than the benefit of use. Tie goes to NOT creating more laws.
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