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Responses: 6
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Oz ran away with it. Anyone who watched and votes for Fetterman needs a mental health eval.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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2 y
You got that right ma'am.
SFC Ralph E Kelley
SFC Ralph E Kelley
2 y
(...needs a mental health eval.) Too!
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
2 y
Some people won't vote for outsiders with horrible policies, just because their opponent has some health issues. There's nothing wrong with that perspective.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Hugh Hewitt: Every Democrat on every ballot is mad at John Fetterman tonight for hurting them all. Sometimes the Biden Basement strategy is not just the best way, it’s the only way (Twitter). Interactive Poll: WPXI Online Poll: Who won the PA Senate Debate? (R) Mehmet Oz 82% (D) John Fetterman 18% (Twitter).

CMSgt Marcus Falleaf Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. SFC William Farrell Maj Robert Thornton SPC (Join to see) Sgt (Join to see) LTC David Brown CWO4 Terrence ClarkPFC David Foster MSgt (Join to see) SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SFC (Join to see) MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Cpl Vic Burk MSgt Dale Johnson SSG Michael Noll PO1 Jeff Chandler SPC Jon O. SGT Jim Arnold SPC Michael Terrell
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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2 y
In my opinion Oz was painful to watch last night. I just can't understand why Democrats would nominate a candidate with his radical past that has no life experience. He lived in his parent's basement until he was 49 years old and then he was given a house. Oz worked for everything he has in life. There is no comparison.
CPL James McNichols
CPL James McNichols
2 y
It was a bloodbath for the Democratic party in ALL the debates.... I'm saddened by the fact that my girl Kari Lake didn't get her night at the podium. But EVERYONE knows she rocks.
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CMSgt Security Forces
Hard to watch. I heard that about 10% of the population in Pennsylvania had already voted prior to the debate...
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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2 y
And I imagine most of them are Democrats. There is a very entrenched mentality here in Pennsylvania for Democrats to vote the party line even if it is against their own interests. The leaders of the Democrat Party run on emotional issues (like abortion) that when people get so angry about one issue, they are blinded to all others. The current Progressive Democrats are masters at this. MHO
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