Posted on Aug 24, 2022
Study says Biden’s move to cancel student debt would cost more than $300 billion
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
SPC Lyle Montgomery
I don't have school debt because I chose to work construction, but my daughter does and has been paying it down. I don't feel that it is fair for this giveaway. Lots of people joined the service to afford college and lots of people worked hard to pay it off. All we need is a bunch of freeloading liberals to take advantage of this freebee and put the burden on the rest of the taxpaying public. This whole idea of forgiving college debt sucks as most liberal ideas do.
He's already the worst POTUS on record, he's just securing his legacy for posterity. His party will allow him to go scorched earth and then promptly write him off when his term is up as an aberration of their party
According to some low information voters, the Trump tax cuts cost Trillions. But the Jobs Act of 2017, the Congressional Budget Office projected tax revenue for 2018-2017 would drop by 1.1 trillion. But new CBO estimates show revenues will actually be $570 billion higher for the same period, even after adjusting for recent inflation.
Making a strong middle class is the backbone of America. Notice how the current administration weakens the middle class while allowing millions of illegal aliens invade America. Not to mention another foreign war. As well as bending over to the CHICOMMS with the 750 billion Green New Deal.
Does China have 70% of the cobalt mines?
Biden is doing what he is told to do. He sold out to the CHICOMMS a long time ago with pay to play. Just ask Hunter and let's look at Hunter's lab top. Shall we?
Making a strong middle class is the backbone of America. Notice how the current administration weakens the middle class while allowing millions of illegal aliens invade America. Not to mention another foreign war. As well as bending over to the CHICOMMS with the 750 billion Green New Deal.
Does China have 70% of the cobalt mines?
Biden is doing what he is told to do. He sold out to the CHICOMMS a long time ago with pay to play. Just ask Hunter and let's look at Hunter's lab top. Shall we?
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