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SPC Lyle Montgomery
Guns are an inadiment object. They are just a machine. They don't kill people. It's the person holding the gun that does the killing. The problem is with the liberal judges and courts and the states like New York and California that won't enforce the laws that already on the books. The loony liberals want to defund the police. This one of the stupidest things that these idiots have come up with. Democratic liberals are morons.
SPC David Willis
SPC David Willis
3 y
While its true they are machines, its dishonest not to recognize that firearms are force multipliers. It does seem the legal system in NY failed this time though as there were multiple red flags that should have prevented him from buying a weapon in the first place.
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
3 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - Respectfully, drugs are not in any sense, a Constitutionally protected right; least of all, illegal drugs. On the other hand, firearms ARE, according to the Constitution's Bill of Rights, an INDIVIDUAL "right," protected from government intrusion just like the 1st, (2nd), 3rd, 4th and 5th Amendments all deal with INDIVIDUAL as well as collective RIGHTS.
As for gun law enforcement? There are some 50,000 THOUSAND or so gun laws on the books. Many increase the penalty for use during the commission of a crime, and are plea bargained away, OR dismissed by judges. The DOJ has long ignored apply8ing federal gun laws when a state prosecutes when they could well enhance the penalties to criminals but are simply deemed unimportant. If the laws on the books were ENFORCED across the board, there would likely be a decrease in crimes with guns - and yes, I said, "likely." Meanwhile, the choice to use a gun during a crime, is not a risky to the criminal as it should be.
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SSG Robert Perrotto
Edited 3 y ago
The problem with this article is they cite the Buffalo shooter, and rifles, instead of the illegal use of handguns, which have killed more people in NYC alone then rifles in the entire state. It's a false narrative being spun, because if they really report on gun violence, they would speak about handguns, and the majority of shooters being minorities.

All that anyone needs to do is google gun crime statistics, by type, and then look at gun crimes by demographic.
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
3 y
SPC David Willis - It all reflects the truth of the MSM prime directive, "If it bleeds --- it leads." More blood = more attention.
SPC David Willis
SPC David Willis
3 y
CW3 Harvey K. exactly but I don’t blame them. They are in a for profit business and answer to share holders. Some lean right and some lean right but they all cover different angles of the same story because it’s what sells.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
3 y
CW3 Harvey K. - I have no doubt! If the government gets its way, we will have access to nothing but weapons like those used in the Revolutionary War era--if any weapons at all.
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
3 y
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. - We still see the claim that "Only the guns available at the time are protected by the 2nd Amendment". The ironic absurdity of exercising a 1st Amendment right on the internet to advocate limiting a 2nd Amendment right on the basis of a temporal restriction, when the communication technology of the time of the Bill of Rights was the megaphone and the hand-operated printing press, has been something the gungrabbers cannot comprehend.
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Maj Robert Thornton
Covers the subject well!
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