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Responses: 4
Cpl Vic Burk
Edited 3 y ago
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL I kept everything from my military days. From time to time (like about every ten years) I open the foot locker and reminisce about those days that feel like yesterday but were so long ago.
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
3 y
Cpl Vic Burk Brother Vic, I can relate too.
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GySgt Jack Wallace
Most were true.Brother Joe. Good share.
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SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Edited >1 y ago
I sure have all the regular items although all My T shirts with logo .are from events or units that I was involved with and noting else, No bad car deals, (good percentage rate and cut sales cost as much as 50% from asking price on the 1st car I bought, which I paid cash for. ) , no divorces (married only once and going on 45 years) I have boxes of stuff, paperwork, medals etc. some selected items displayed in my Man cave. One small example is the flag that was flown over the US Capitol that was presented Me at retirement from the USAF, the plaque with My name and rank that was presented to Me by Lt. General Teh Supt of the Chinese Air Force Academy of the CAF, Chinese Air Force, Taiwan and Other Military related items.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
>1 y
In another section of the same Man Cave room, items also from My day in the USAF I had picked up including (on the far right) even leaflets dropped from aircraft in Vietnam to try and get the NVA or VC to surrender. the emblem from ht e366th Tactical Fighter Wing, Da Nang. Vietnam where i was stationed, on the left a static display model of an A1E Sky Raider or to the right a AC47, "Spooky" gunship .
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