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Responses: 4
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
What's wrong with our government? There comes a point when the green cultists must accept reality. To buy foreign oil does NOT make us more green. In fact, most foreign refineries do not produce products that burn as cleanly as U.S. refined oil products. Moreover, to go hat in hand like beggars to the ayatollahs, the Saudis, Maduro and his madmen, et al. is to give our money to people who would like to shovel their profits into projects that will hurt Americans all over the world but especially in the USA. This is insanity! Folks like Mayor Pete, AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Mazie Hirono, John Kerry, Jerry Nadler, Joe Biden, Eric Swalwell, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, and all the rest of their ilk, as well as all the RINOS acting like lapdogs to the Dems, need to be sent packing!
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
>1 y
I agree 100% with what You say !
CPT Kevin McComas
CPT Kevin McComas
>1 y
Nailed it Major!
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
>1 y
I'm especially unhappy that we've made the USA energy-dependent on foreign sources again, and that almost 700,000 barrels per day come from Russia! Our so-called "strict sanctions" against Russia do NOT target their oil and gas industries, which is where "Vlad the Invader" Putin gets his money. We must economically attack the Russian oil and gas industries and entirely ban the import of Russian oil and gas into America.
Better yet, get out from under the thumb of the "New Green Marxists" (Bernie Sanders and "Occasionally Active Cortex") and restore American energy production, including the Keystone Pipeline.
I am all for cleaner energy, but wind isn't yet available at sufficient scale. The leftist activists running the Dept of Energy won't allow the construction of more hydro-electric dams or nuclear reactors, which are the two cleanest sources of energy. So, like it or not, we still need to use fossil fuels for energy.
MAJ Roland McDonald
MAJ Roland McDonald
>1 y
MAJ Hugh Blanchard unfortunately this is all part of the totalitarianism leadership. They have said they wanted the price of gas over 5,7 and even 10 dollars a gallon. All about control. Such as mask and vaccine mandates. The more eroding of freedoms the more easier it is to control the masses.
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LTC Stephen F.
Edited >1 y ago
Thank you my friend MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. for posting the perspective from thepochtimes.com author Dinesh D Souza

I concur, the USA should be enabled to drill oil and ship oil and natural gas through pipelines.

DRILL, BABY, DRILL Dinesh D’Souza Podcast Ep283
In this episode, Dinesh makes the case for oil-drilling in America to restore self-reliance and undermine Vladimir Putin. Dinesh explores John Mearsheimer's thesis that the West is partly to blame for giving Ukraine false hope about its security. Dinesh reveals how Biden is on his way to another foreign policy disaster, a new nuclear deal with Iran. Dinesh uses the example of Francesca in Dante's Inferno to show how sin harms, most of all, the sinner.

Background from [theepochtimes.com/drill-baby-drill_4319288.html?]}

As Vladimir Putin escalates the war in Ukraine, America and the West seem to be running out of effective options. The Biden administration sent an early stash of lethal aid, but it appears to be wholly inadequate to mount an effective defense of Ukraine. The Russians have already bombarded several cities, and they’re unleashing massive destruction to the areas of Irpin, Borodyanka, and Hostomel, all regions right outside of Kiev.

What I’m hearing right now in America is a variety of options that range from the absurd to the absurdly symbolic. Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) recommends that NATO declare a No-Fly Zone over Ukraine. Really? And how would that be enforced? Would NATO send squadrons of bombers to shoot down Russian planes and wipe out Russian convoys? That’s an excellent option—if you want to start World War III. My guess is even Kinzinger knows his idea is nonsense. He’s advancing it merely to posture as a saber-rattler.

Along the same lines, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) tweeted out a public call for some Russian Brutus or Gen. Stauffenberg to step forward. Brutus, of course, was part of the conspiracy that assassinated Caesar. Gen. Stauffenberg attempted to do the same to Hitler. Graham’s idea has the merit of at least recognizing that the West cannot accomplish Putin’s ouster. It has the demerit of assuming that any Russian Brutus or Stauffenberg, assuming they even exist, would take advice from an American senator. Not likely. In my view, more posturing!

Is it even necessary for me to mention the wacky schemes being proposed and implemented across the West to send a message to Putin? In New York, the Met has cancelled a Russian classical singer because she’s allegedly pro-Putin. An international cat federation has outlawed Russian cats from its competitions. In Italy, a university withdrew a course on literature featuring Dostoevsky, as if this 19th century writer were somehow to blame for Putin’s actions. Bars are dumping their stores of Russian vodka. Take that, Putin! And that! And that!

Of course, Putin doesn’t care. I can imagine him laughing heartily at all this puerile symbolism. Apparently we’ve completely forgotten the basic rules of power politics in this country. Putin wants to subdue Ukraine. He wants to teach Ukraine a lesson. He wants a government in Ukraine that’s subservient, or at least not hostile, to Russia. He’s willing to go to great lengths to accomplish this.

The only practical way to stop him, if there is a way, is to hit him where it hurts. Right now, American sanctions don’t hurt him very much. So what if Russian oligarchs are barred from international travel? So what if Putin’s banking privileges are restricted abroad? None of this seriously damages Russia’s economy. But if we could seriously damage Russia’s economy, this would undoubtedly restrict Putin’s warmaking power.

Right now, the United States purchases 600,000 barrels of oil from Russia per day. Per day! That’s almost $1 billion U.S. dollars flowing to Russia every 24 hours. President Joe Biden could stop it. His administration says they might do that. But they haven’t done it yet. And not having done it, they are exposing all their fulminating rhetoric as mere hot air and raising the question of how sincere they are about curtailing Putin’s ability to continue the war in Ukraine.

Europe, too, is dependent on Russian oil. Some people think this is because Europe doesn’t have the capacity to drill for oil. But Europe does. The reason Europe is so reliant on imports is because environmental activists have shut down much of Europe’s oil drilling. It’s the same story in America. Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline in order to appease the environmental lobby, and at the same time he approved the continuation of the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline connecting Russia with Germany. Germany, finally, said no to Nord Stream 2 once Putin battered his way into Ukraine.

FYI SGM David W. Carr LOM, DMSM MP SGT SSG Donald H "Don" Bates SGT Jim Arnold Sgt Albert Castro LTC (Join to see) Sgt Kelli Mays SGT John " Mac " McConnell SSG Ed Mikus SFC Randy Purham SGT Brent Scott SSG (Join to see) MAJ Byron Oyler SPC Michael Oles SRSFC Boots Attaway 1SG Dan Capri SPC Diana D. LTC (Join to see) CSM Charles Hayden SFC William Farrell
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
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