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Responses: 22
SGT Steve McFarland
It has nothing to do with being White and Conservative. I am fed up with the lies and snowjobs, and their refusal to release all of the information.
SGT Steve McFarland
SGT Steve McFarland
3 y
LTC Joe Anderson (Taz or Joe Retired Now in Contract Compliance) Bwahaha!!!
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
>1 y
LTC Joe Anderson (Taz or Joe Retired Now in Contract Compliance) - I get what you mean ... blunt honesty. In the service, I only had ONE rater, my Plt Sgt," who was inclined to rate be lower than he should have; but it wasn't so bad that it hurt me. Otherwise, every officer I was blessed to serve with, never took offense to honesty. In civilian life however, VP's would often go ballistic when I'd answer a question with what they didn't want to hear. Our Labor Relations Director told a group of VP's in a meeting, "Don't ask Bill a question if you don't want an honest answer." To me, that was a major compliment that more or less ste my reputation in stone. Still, I hated corporate political crap and at times, it was better to bite my tongue than to volunteer a comment.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
It has everything to do with politics and being "conservative" also with being dumber than a rock.
SGT Steve McFarland
SGT Steve McFarland
>1 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr You've been guzzling too much of that libtard koolaid.
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LTC David Brown
Trump helped develop the vaccines and encourages people to get vaccinated.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
3 y
This is for Maj Landgren, if you are going to direct comments at/to me, step out from behind your block.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
3 y
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
3 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - Trump worked with industries to develop the vaccine, got the development funded and allowed scientists to develop the vaccines in a reduced time period. Biden predicted the vaccine would not be available until the Middle of 2021. There were 3 vaccines developed and over a million people immunized when Trump took office.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
3 y
SFC Michael Hasbun - off course Trump isn’t a doctor. Was Teddy Roosevelt an Engineer, epidemiologist, an organizational specialist? Nope but with out Roosevelt’s support the Panama Canal would not have been built. Trump provide money and funding for expert personnel to get the job done. Fun fact, as many people have died under Biden as died under Trump and sleepy Joe had three vaccines and knew China let the virus escape.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
It has to do with being fed up with being lied to. Some of these people are also not getting vaccinated for religious reasons. They are entitled to do that in this country. It isn't a political choice. And if the administration hadn't lied over and over again, there might be more faith in the vaccines from a scientific point of view.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
SPC Lyle Montgomery
3 y
Right on
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