New Politics
New Politics Leadership Academy
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New Politics is helping bring a new generation of leadership to politics by helping promising national service alumni run for public office. We identify top talent, help them build a winning campaign infrastructure, and provide mentorship and support throughout their campaigns. In doing so, we are helping change the political landscape by bringing fresh, service-oriented perspectives to the political arena.

How the organization supports veterans
- Our flagship candidate recruitment program is called Answering the Call. It engages servant leaders in four small-group sessions designed to help participants gain inner clarity about whether they feel called to political life as a next step in their service journey.
- Many Answering the Call participants aspire to run for office three, five, or more years down the road. Our program The Journey Continues keeps these individuals present to their political aspirations by engaging them in ongoing small-group leadership development opportunities that meet four times a year until they are ready to run.
- The Candidate’s Journey is our comprehensive curriculum designed to support servant leaders through the entire process of running for office, from the point at which they first contemplate a campaign, to the days and weeks after election day.

How to get involved
Get involved at:
Doug Pardo - (Senior Director, West Point Graduate, Army Aviation)
Email POC at:
Most recent contributors: CPT Doug Pardo SSgt Timothy Prevost