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Responses: 4
LTC Stephen F.
Edited 3 y ago
Thank you my friend MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. for making us aware that as of the date of the study, according to the Center for Disease Control there is 'No Record of Naturally Immune Transmitting COVID-19"
Of course this was based on samples of the population, since there is no record kept of naturally immune people, as far as i know. There are records of those who survived SARS 2,[COVID], SARS and MERS.

I searched for a video from somebody who seems reasonable on this subject.

Post infection natural immunity, debate and implications for mandatory vaccination

FYI Maj Robert Thornton 1LT (Anonymous) Kim Bolen RN CCM ACM LTC David Brown 1st Lt Padre Dave Poedel PO1 Robert Payne SGT Steve McFarland SGT Denny Espinosa TSgt George Rodriguez Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Greg Henning MSG Greg Kelly
1LT Voyle SmithPO3 Lynn SpaldingSGM Major StroupeSPC Michael TerrellSMSgt Mark VenzeioSFC (Join to see)GySgt Jack Wallace
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
3 y
CPO Arthur Weinberger
CPO Arthur Weinberger
3 y
Simple solution; get the vaccine. This of course if one cares about other humans.
Maj Wayne Crist
Maj Wayne Crist
3 y
Death rate is under 2%, about the same as the likelihood of a young man getting heart disease from the shot. Do you not care about the young men?
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
3 y
Actually young men and women are dying and having heart disease, my friend Maj Wayne Crist - Disease affects each of us. My heart goes out to the very young who are being 'protected' from exposure to all communicable diseases such as the cold.
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MAJ Hugh Blanchard
This whole business has become politicized and the public is being manipulated by selective commentary from the "leading scientists". People are quitting their jobs at an alarming rate rather than be forced into mandatory vaccination. The Governor of Oklahoma has just stated that Oklahoma will NOT force their National Guard to take a COVID 19 vaccination. All of this, including 750,000 dead Americans, is playing right into the hands of Communist China and is being manipulated by American politicians to justify governmental regulatory overreach. What a mess.
CPO Arthur Weinberger
CPO Arthur Weinberger
3 y
The solution; get vaccinated, wear your mask in public. bathe once a month.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
3 y
Well, I'd advise bathing more often than that. I've taken the Moderna vaccines and booster, I wear a three-layer cloth mask, and I bathe almost every day. But the primary problem with implementing an effective COVID 19 strategy in America, I contend, is political. Trying to use the pandemic as a rationale for stringent government regulations that control many aspects of peoples' lives has transformed the issues from epidemiological to political.
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SPC Douglas Bolton
Full of information.
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