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Responses: 11
Lt Col Charlie Brown
It wasn't an insurrection. And if Trump gets elected in 2024 you can blame Biden. Mr Absence of Brains.
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
3 y
SPC Marvin Loachridge - So true! And the Dems supporting this incompodent administration are blind to the destruction. They are doing to our society and economy. Even if the Republicans win their lack of spin and lack of action. Will lead to the total lose of our rights and freedoms, in the future.
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
3 y
PFC David Foster - Lies like Russia Russia Russia? That was an actual insurrection! Led by Politicians, members of the FBI, CIA, IRS and, the STATE Dept. To included the bias MEDIA. Yet that doesn't bother a single Democrat! Anything to keep and hold power. Even if it means fundamentally changing America
PFC David Foster
PFC David Foster
3 y
SPC Les Darbison - No, the actual insurrection was when the mob overran the Capitol building with weapons intending to overtake the Government.
a violent uprising against an authority or government.
"the insurrection was savagely put down" · [more]
rebellion · revolt · uprising · mutiny · revolution · insurgence · insurgency · rising · rioting · riot · sedition · civil disobedience · civil disorder · unrest · anarchy · fighting in the streets ·
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
3 y
What weapons signs and sticks. No FIREARMS no Wasp or bear spray Not a shot fired from anyone on the right. Yet the only person shot was an unarmed women Combat VETERAN. I wonder why that's not important to every one here? An supposed leader of the supposed up raising held in solitary confinement.Yet all charges dropped when he finely got a Lawyer! Yet Ppl believe parents are terrorist when they voice their concerns on what and how their children are taught in schools. Yet when ATIFA and BLM loot and burn communities to the ground assult police officers and try to burn them alive. Thats not a terrorist ACT? COME ON MAN GIVE US A BREAK ON THIS BS!
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Hey Lt Col Charlie Brown: "It wasn't an insurrection. And if Trump gets elected in 2024 you can blame Biden. Mr Absence of Brains."

Yeah it was an attempted insurrection. 100%. Also I have a feeling Trump is just saying he's running in 2024 to bilk his cult out of their money and something will "suddenly" come up why he can't run.

Now aside from that - responding to the article - who is surprised that he has strong support in Iowa? I'm not.

I want to know what in the world he has on Republicans that they have this fealty toward him. They were speaking a completely different tune when he was a candidate before he got the nomination. And there have been cracks too...they don't really like him nor support him. But they keep propping him up and it begs the question - why? He has to have things on the majority of them.
SPC Joseph Kopac
SPC Joseph Kopac
3 y
What I can't understand is the hold that man has on people. A female member here must not mind what he said about grabbing women by their Kitty Kats. Or about John McCain being captured. How about "I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it".
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LTC Stephen F.
To be honest my friend PFC David Foster since this is from msn.com I am not surprised that they emphasized that some people are calling for Civil War. As a conservative Republican living in Northern Virginia, I have not heard any calls for a civil war or insurrection from any conservative.
FYI SGT James Murphy MSgt Dave Hoffman SGT John " Mac " McConnell Lt Col Charlie Brown SGT Charlie Lee MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. SMSgt Mark Venzeio SPC Nancy Greene SMSgt Mark Venzeio PO2 (Join to see) Maj Marty Hogan MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi CSM Charles Hayden CSM Chuck Stafford
PFC David Foster
PFC David Foster
3 y
I'm sure it's just a small group of radicals... I was happy to see Trump remain quite civil tonight... It seems Trump does has some strange control over a lot of people that would fight for him if he gave the word.
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