Posted on Feb 25, 2021
Below The Radar – HR 880 amend the Consumer Product Safety Act
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 6
It's a shame I took my guns fishing. The boat capsized and I lost all of them. I don't remember what lake I was on.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
The same thing happened to me. But due to superior Marine Corp swimming training, I was able to save the cooler.
SFC Melvin Brandenburg
Cpl Mark A. Morris - If I were only Jack LaLane I could have towed the boat ashore with a rope clenched in my teeth.
Another end run around the Constitution.
Lawsuits will occur, and the right of the people to bear arms will be destroyed. It is un-American and I suspect those that support it had an increase in cash in one of their accounts.
What's next for you to sign Sleep Joe? I bet you have not read this one. The next one maybe a hate speech Act. We have to get that 1st amendment too you know?
Lawsuits will occur, and the right of the people to bear arms will be destroyed. It is un-American and I suspect those that support it had an increase in cash in one of their accounts.
What's next for you to sign Sleep Joe? I bet you have not read this one. The next one maybe a hate speech Act. We have to get that 1st amendment too you know?
SGT (Join to see)
Cpl Mark A. Morris - He's got nothing else, so now he is reduced to "Grammer Nazi"; NO TILDA FOR YOU!
Cpl Mark A. Morris
SGT (Join to see) Well, his tone of writing is always angry. I’m thinking lack of booze, women or both.
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