Posted on Jan 7, 2021
Trump commits to 'orderly transition' in statement after mob stormed Capitol
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 6
JUST CAUGHT POSING As Trump Supporters in D.C.
January 6th, 2021Welcome to America Stands 2020 Election Coverage in a spirit of faith! In this episode of America Stands, host Greg Stephens, Lance Wallnau ...
Thank you my friend PFC (Join to see) for posting the unsurprising news that President Trump has publicly committed to a peaceful transition.
Since you are from my birth city I thought you might be interested to see the video which includes an Antifa selfie from a Antifa from Philadelphia per his handle.
I am not all surprised that the group focused on mayhem and destruction AKA Antifa infiltrated the march and do what they do - indiscriminate damage including murder.
JUST CAUGHT POSING As Trump Supporters in D.C.
Thank you my friend Sgt (Join to see) for mentioning me.
FYI LT Brad McInnis LTC John Shaw 1SG Steven Imerman 1SG (Join to see) SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL Maj William W. 'Bill' Price MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. LTC (Join to see) LTC Wayne Brandon COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt David A Asbury SMSgt Lawrence McCarter AA Whitney-Elizabeth Moates SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D SGT Michael Hearn SGT James Murphy PO2 (Join to see) PO3 Phyllis Maynard
Since you are from my birth city I thought you might be interested to see the video which includes an Antifa selfie from a Antifa from Philadelphia per his handle.
I am not all surprised that the group focused on mayhem and destruction AKA Antifa infiltrated the march and do what they do - indiscriminate damage including murder.
JUST CAUGHT POSING As Trump Supporters in D.C.
Thank you my friend Sgt (Join to see) for mentioning me.
FYI LT Brad McInnis LTC John Shaw 1SG Steven Imerman 1SG (Join to see) SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL Maj William W. 'Bill' Price MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. LTC (Join to see) LTC Wayne Brandon COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt David A Asbury SMSgt Lawrence McCarter AA Whitney-Elizabeth Moates SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D SGT Michael Hearn SGT James Murphy PO2 (Join to see) PO3 Phyllis Maynard
AA Whitney-Elizabeth Moates
Here in Richmond...there was a statewide call to arms for every single militia. They planned for abled body men 16 and up and this was in December and Amanda Chase approved and supported this. This is why she demanded Trump to call for martial law. They were waiting to march onto downtown Richmond and take over concrete of former monuments, where marcus circle is and lee..waiting to come down..I live between lee and former stuart. I have seen 2a open carrying when its now illegal on monument Ave and carrying bear mace to wash off Vote out Racism...because its racist and profane graffiti. They take pictures of people in black with tattoos and post it online..telling their network to keep eyes peeled cause they look like a gender-neutral commie antifa terrorist cause they wear all black and have tattoos? And they're walking past the former monuments almost daily..even though vcu and vuu colleges are right there?
I served honorably, i still do shit, im in the hall of hometown heros at the war memorial. Im a black clothes wearing, tattooed throat down to my fingers and toes, veteran who owns a company and custom shop. I got threatened and called a fucking antifa bitchass and all i did was take my emotional support dog out for a pee
I served honorably, i still do shit, im in the hall of hometown heros at the war memorial. Im a black clothes wearing, tattooed throat down to my fingers and toes, veteran who owns a company and custom shop. I got threatened and called a fucking antifa bitchass and all i did was take my emotional support dog out for a pee
Everyone that ever supported him knew he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power after all legal options are over. And that is the way we all wanted it. Follow the process and once the process is done, turn things over.
PFC (Join to see)
He talked about the floating the idea of not being present an doing a party. Hell run again in 2024. If he wins so be. I just want to focus on fixing issues that we face. I'll compromise with you an reach out to the other side if possible.
LT Brad McInnis
PFC (Join to see) - The problem, and I believe you are sincere, is that most of the population wants to work together, while the politicians couldn't care less about the people. The crazies on both sides are small #'s that are made to seem overly large through social media and complicit media to build narratives. The problem, that I was told in my 1st Political Science class, was the reality is most politicians don' t want to compromise or solve anything.
PFC (Join to see)
LT Brad McInnis politicans don't an we let them split us an it's not right. If people stop the tribal tactics an try to compromise on core issues we could find common ground. You've seen my stances on climate change. I'm willing to work on other things with both sides.
The common citizen AntiTrumpers may never understand why the rest of us supported Pres Trump. Not only because of the massive improvements he made for the USA and Americans, but because this President was actually thwarting antiAmerican elitists and globalists ( many in Congress) who have wanted, and now may, actually take over the USA for their own enrichments.
SPC Mark Huddleston LTC Stephen F. MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Lt Col Charlie Brown SFC Bernard Walko LCpl Leo Morrissey SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SPC Mark Huddleston LTC Stephen F. MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Lt Col Charlie Brown SFC Bernard Walko LCpl Leo Morrissey SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
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