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Responses: 8
LTC Self Employed
Edited >1 y ago
This is a cut and paste from your other post. Contributory negligence from POTUS and PC Correct Progressives in NYC and NY State...

It is 50/50 Republican and Democrats failing. The Nieve New York City leadership and medical people were more worried about being politically correct( it is perfectly safe... go on the subway, go to a restaurant, go to the theater, lets not worry about what the President Says about China and the Chinese) and insinuating that President Trump was being racist by closing China off from International fights inbound to the USA during the Chinese New Year than worry about the epidemic. Yes, President Trump said it was a democratic conspiracy but democrats are more worried about BS political correctness than about reality.... Combining both brought upon the perfect storm in New York...

Progressives, skip the talk from Tucker Carlson and watch what the democratic leaders are saying in this video. I don't think it was edited or put out a context. Some of you progressives look at Fox News and run away like the scared knights of Monty python and the holy Grail... Watch the whole thing( for once) and decide don't you say Oh, it's prager University or its Fox News ,runaway! and and turn off your minds. Prager and Fox are Kryptonite to some but opposing views are not to me!
CMSgt (Join to see) LTC (Join to see) MSG Stan Hutchison CPT Jack Durish PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Eugene Chu MAJ (Join to see) CPT (Join to see) COL (Join to see) MAJ (Join to see) COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen F. LTC (Join to see) SMSgt Lawrence McCarter LT Brad McInnis Lt Col Charlie Brown Capt Sabrena Goldman SGM Steve Wettstein SFC William Farrell

LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney yes, I have. They are a thorn in China's side.

LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett Epoch Times and Fox News? The video feed from Fox is from the politicians. Falun Gong/EPOCH are in prison in China so no empathy for the CCP.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney yes, I have. I get Epoch Times for free. I downloaded the Google store Epoch Times. Capt Gregory Prickett I look at Each story. I look at RT. I look at Leftist Socialist Workers Party stories. I make my own conclusions.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - "Overall, we rate The Epoch Times borderline Questionable and Right Biased based on editorial positions that consistently favor the right. We also rate them factually Mixed due to the publication of pseudoscience and the promotion of pro-Trump propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as failed fact checks."

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CPT Jack Durish
I don't get it. You can't create vaccines and treatments for diseases that don't exist. You have to wait for them to appear. And there will be a delay. Interestingly, this one has been magnified like none other in history. The mortality rate is about 1%, far less than flus that occur every year. And, that's 1% based on an under-reported infection rate. If we had a better count of those infected, we might find that it is as low as .01%. So, what's the complaint here other than there are those who simply want to complain about this President. Yes, there have always been people complaining about whomever occupies the Oval Office. However, this is new. Never before has anyone been so invested to destroy an Administration, not like this one. And never before has it been aided and abetted so strenuously by the news and popular media. This particular episode is simply another example of that. And it grows tiresome...
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
That's because 1SG (Join to see) said of the "closed" cases which means the cases where: 1) someone recovered, and 2) someone died. It doesn't count the open cases where someone is still sick and you don't know if they will live or die.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro

As of this post, here are the numbers for closed cases worldwide

Closed cases 760,728
Recovered 599,961 (79%)
Deaths 160,767 (21%)
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
I blame Trump for downplaying COVID-19 as it started to spread in the US. I blame his administration from taking a more active and timely role. I blame his administration for not implementing the use of roles and responsibilities to prepare for and mitigate against the pandemic.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
Even as cases in the US were going up, Trump was telling us everything is fine. Trump, Fox News, and Rush should be blamed for deceiving the country with their rosy commentaries. We lacked the intelligence and understanding be proactive as the threat increased. It’s a simple concept. Our military bases use various THREATCON level commiserate with the threat. By the time we became serious, it showed that the pandemic was strong and growing, we had no plans, nobody provided credible unified leadership, and chaos ran supreme. There are indications the medical agencies in the federal government saw the risk and reported it to no avail.

The US has 2,000,000 civilian federal employees, but our total response to the pandemic was shit. We allowed the enemy into our formation before we got serious. The government needs to be accountable. In the early crucial moments we lacked competent leadership, planning was miserable, roles an responsibilities were ignored, and rational adult supervision was lacking. COVID-19 is on Trump and his administration. Here is some more damning information. DHS is chartered to provide a unified leadership to all federal entities, but the leader Trump appointed has absolutely no experience in that field. The man responsible for protecting the country from various threats had no clue about his roles, responsibilities, and leadership. That is on Trump. Trump has corrupted his administration by putting a premium on loyalty at the expense of experience many times.

The bottom line is the POTUS needs to grab the bull by the horn instead acting like he has god like powers to stop the pandemic. Those in the medical community sounding alarms should have been given more consideration. We had plans and mitigation but none were followed on a timely basis. (one example is PPE's and supplies should have been ordered sooner). Everything points back at leadership or the general lack of it. MSG Joseph Cristofaro
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited >1 y ago
CPT Jack Durish - Are you always this abrasive?
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
MSG Tom Earley - I agree with you. I am going back to the time I conducted a report of survey investigation of loss of property. I distinctly remember reading cause and effect. Who committed the action that directly impacted the loss. If a soldier left property in his car and locked it, but the property was stolen. Who directly caused the loss? It was the theif. Who directly caused the dismantling of the Pandemic Team? It was Trump and his administration.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
>1 y
MSG Tom Earley - I bet the people did not complain that received funds from cutting that committee. Two things are always in place in emergency and disaster management, 1) People do not want to pay for something that may never come and 2) When it comes, they blame other people for not preparing for them. We should raise everyone's taxes by $1500 and get a stock pile of ventilators, say enough to vent 10% of the population. Now we are also going to raise your taxes to increase nurses, techs, and docs to be on standby, say another $2000. Next time this hits, we will be so ready. Now see how many people agree to paying $3,500 in taxes for that. It is the same with the defense budget however after losing over 600,000 during the 20th century in wars, that hits a little closer to home and people are more willing to shell out those dollars.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
MAJ Byron Oyler - The fact of the matter is, Trump nor the administration were intellectually capable of dealing with this pandemic. They made almost every mistake they could make. They were totally incompetent. Bush had Katrina. Trump has COVID-19.
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - Liar liar pants on fire.
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