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Responses: 4
Lt Col Charlie Brown
I agree Rick but somehow I don't think that will happen, unfortunately
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CW5 Jack Cardwell
Roger that!
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LTC Wayne Brandon
A tainted judicial system is the single greatest threat to the security of the people of any nation.
Despots, tyrants, czars and the like can be over-thrown or voted out. Judges, on the other hand, have to be removed from the bench by either those who appointed them or voted them in and in order to vote them out, their actions must be known to the public in general and so grievous as to incite the public to take such action. That is something that rarely happens due to the nature of a lack of knowledge of what has or is being done, what is permissible, lack of concern or all three.
Generally, if an infraction or course of behavior involving misfeasance or malfeasance comes to the attention of the Bar Association, punitive measures may be taken at that level as well by revoking their license to practice law in that state.
Our history shows that when the American people have finally had enough, they tend to do something about it and articles such as this help keep people aware of the activities of influential and destructive forces at work.
I liked this option as a remedy for those holding political positions yet operating 'outside the box' as it were. Not well-edited but clearly to the point:


To: All members of U.S. Congress
Date: January 08, 2019

May I remind you that before you assumed office you [willingly] swore an Oath to uphold,support, protect and defend the Constitution for the United States of America.

That Authorizing and Enabling contract, in Article 1, clearly states that "Congress shall the Power to... coin money, [and] regulate the value thereof".

The American people only authorized "THAT".

Not "Bail-outs" for business incompetents / incompetence or Golden-Parachute(d) CEO's. "Nowhere" is Congress authorized to "rent" at "Interest" the Nation's money-supply from a Private Bank Corporation (the "Federal Reserve" Bank corporation.)

This is NOTICE that you are inViolation of "the supreme "Law of the Land", and Now that you HAVE KNOWLEDGE of a Violation of Law, you pursuant to Law, MUST Report to proper Authority the Violation of Law, about which you now HAVE KNOWLEDGE, or be personally and individually, held in "Misprision of Treason", "Perjury of Oath of Office", and "Misprision of Overthrow of Constitution", or "Accessory After the Fact".

The U.S.Supreme Court has PREVIOUSLY RULED that Congress, being a LEGISLATIVE Branch Body, does NOT have authority to delegate-away to a EXECUTIVE Branch agency (the G.A.O. or Federal Reserve corp.), a Constitutionally MANDATED Responsibility. See: SYNAR v.BOWSHER, 478 U.S. 714 (1986); A.L.A.SCHECHTER POULTRY CO. v. UNITED STATES, 295 U.S. 495 (1935). Fed. is Private corp - LEWIS v. U.S., 680 F2d.1239 (9th cir. 1982). "The (free American) people" (Grantors) TRUMP Congress, - COLAUTTI v. FRANKLIN, 439 US 349, 379 (1979), "...there can be no legal Right as against the authority (the people) that makes the law (Constitution) upon-which the Right depends." (Oleomargarine Case) - MCCRAY v. U.S., 195 27 - Equity, - GILLES v. DEPT.OF HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT, 11 Cal.3rd 313, 113 Cal.Rptr 374, 380, 521 P.2d 110, unfair advantage of bad situation.

PRESUMPTION of the American peoples' INTENTIONAL "Acceptance" of compelled use of "private commercial paper Notes", = deprivation of "Due Process", -privity or knowledge, Rev.St. 77 4283-4286 (46 U.S.C.A. §§183-186) Malfeasor may NOT benefit from his bad acts, or knowledge - INTERNATIONAL SHOE CORP. v. STATE OF WASHINGTON, 326 U.S. 310, 66 S.Ct. 154, 90 L.Ed. 95 et al.

You have 15 days from date of Receipt of THIS NOTICE to take corrective ACTION and COMPLY with the supreme "LAW".

Please conduct yourself accordingly.

You expect America's Young people to "Enlist" and swear to uphold, support, protect, and defend (and DIE doing so) the Constitution, -when YOU are in Violation of it? Terminate your HYPOCRISY!

date: January 8, 2009 a.d.


NOTICE SERVED by a concerned Pro-Law American
a natural UNenfranchised private American Man
david s. deriemer NON-DOMESTIC
care of- 1624 savannah Road ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Lewes, near (19958)-9999
Delaware (NOT "DE", NOT 19958)
email - < [login to see] >
SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
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