Posted on Jun 12, 2019
Stirring bagpipes on Juno Beach to mark 75th anniversary of D-Day | Watch News Videos Online
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 3
D-Day 75: A lone piper marks the minute the D-Day invasion began
A lone piper has marked the minute the D-Day invasion began 75 years ago. Pipe Major Trevor Macey-Lillie, of 19th Regiment Royal Artillery (The Scottish Gunn...
Thank you, my friend CW5 Jack Cardwell for posting the video link and background: the The solemn sound of bagpipes filled Juno Beach on Thursday commemorated the 75th anniversary of D-Day where 14,000 Canadian Allied volunteer troops landed on its shores in the Battle of Normandy in the Second World War.
D-Day 75: A lone piper marks the minute the D-Day invasion began
FYI Maj Robert Thornton SPC Mark Huddleston SP5 Mark Kuzinski SP5 Jeannie Carle MAJ Ken Landgren SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SGT James Murphy SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
D-Day 75: A lone piper marks the minute the D-Day invasion began
FYI Maj Robert Thornton SPC Mark Huddleston SP5 Mark Kuzinski SP5 Jeannie Carle MAJ Ken Landgren SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SGT James Murphy SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
TSgt Joe C. PO3 Steven Sherrill CW3 Kevin Storm SSG (Join to see) SGM Steve Wettstein SMSgt Thor Merich MSG (Join to see) PO1 John Johnson MAJ Ken Landgren LTC Greg Henning PVT Mark Zehner MSG Tom Earley Alan K. SPC Mark Huddleston PO1 H Gene Lawrence SGT Elizabeth Scheck Sgt Deborah Cornatzer SSgt Boyd Herrst SPC Diana D. SFC George Smith
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