are not happier in Canada. The Alberta Oil sector has over 7% unemployment. Low oil and natural gas prices (by the inability to send natural gas and oil to Market are making many oil and gas companies go bankrupt). While driving from Canadian Forces Base Wainwright to go pick up my Brigade Commander at Edmonton International Airport, I heard a talk show on CBC News radio discussing how people who allow oil and gas companies to build Wells on their Farm that some are not getting paid their royalties. What happens next is the counties don't get their royalties either and they jack up property taxes to make up for the lost tax revenue and causing the economy to be weakened even further because Joe public now has to pay. This is something that the AOC Borg climate Change Progresses will not tell you about unintended consequences of the green New Deal. The green New Deal and economic and ecological zealotry is already here in Canada. The fourth largest oil producing country in the world has an underutilized natural gas and oil markets that is suffering due to bickering about climate change and the eco-conmunists do not want you to put Pipelines in place because they are 'trying to save the Earth'.
AOC wants to pay people who don't want to work. I have two druggie Dropout stepdaughters who receive welfare in Canada and they don't really have an incentive to work. They live one cigarette at a time and they go from house to house. They do drugs and spend their welfare money on takeout and more drugs. Neither of them graduated from high school and they hung out with the wrong crowd. I'm sure there are many like them in the United States that would love to get free handouts from AOC and the progressives who may offer it. Both of my female Dropout stepdaughters do not have kids. Legalizing pot in Canada last year doesn't help the situation because both of them smoked pot in their early teams and they are permanently messed up mentally. Both of them are in their early twenties now they live one cigarette at a time and all they do is spend their time on the internet with Facebook and Instagram. Why reward bad behavior? AOC does not think it out!