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Responses: 8
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
I have seen this before and it is truly sad and prone to make one very angry. We can not let this happen again
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
>1 y
I concur brother ! Very sad and mad indeed !
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
I have a collection of Holocaust literature, I have been to the Holocaust museum and I have said Kaddish for those who have no one to say it for them. Thanks for posting this.
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
>1 y
My pleasure sister !
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Capt Daniel Goodman
I've seem the bulk of it, many times, after awhile, truly, I genuinely despair of the species, you know?
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
>1 y
I concur ! Sad that it it just hardly ever mentioned in the education system.
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y
I follow your reasoning, however, if I might perhaps offer a couple of thoughts, I'm not entirely certain if I'll explain these correctly...first, while I grasp why you suggest such material be included, possibly at a high school level, such material at least to me quite clearly needs and in fact positively requires a certain maturity of mind to absorb properly in all its enormity which, sadly, perhaps, I'd admit, aside from widely varying parental sensibilities, many kids, even st high school age might well not yet have acquired...when I was a kid, esp in Hebrew school, I can assure you I was quite thoroughly inundated with it, not just one, twice, or occasionally, but quite literally constantly, till it was essentially drummed into my skull continually...after awhile, though it'd been then only about a quarter century since the end of WW2, I began to find myself growing, in all seriousness, unutterably weary from the constant, unending, drumbeating exposure of it...when Spielberg made Schindler's List and insisted on showing it in prime time nationally on TV, almost despite myself, I began to find myself so inundated by the sheer omnipresent oppressiveness, and his insistence on showing it to basically everyone he could with all the language, invective, and graphic crudity included, that, however thus might be viewed, I found myself beginning to positively recoil from the continual assault on my senses...in having said all that, I ask you to please simultaneously, and xoncommitamtly, understand...I in no way seek to minimize the sheer, undiluted, unalterable horror of all that happened...I've studied history a long, long while now, incl many different instances of genocide, historically, all are horrible, though comparisons whether quantitative, or qualitative begin to grow feeble to me as I reflect on them, the seeming constant and principal historical hobnies of the human race have been war, and genocide, as seems to !e to quite be the case...I merely seek to point out that, after awhile, the mind, despite the netter angels of our nature, to quote Lincoln, eveually being to become over saturated with such material, as well as, though certainly equally undesirably, desensitized to it, as if there is virtually no limit to the conceivable possible cacophony of constant human capacity for horror and madness on a !ass scale, such that an entire population of an otherwise ostensibly civilized group of countries could all evidently go positively psychotic, creating the single greatest whipped up firestorm of conflagration in recorded history, of such an extent, that nearly three quarters of a century after the whole crazy madness ended, the human race is forced to relive I constantly, over and over and over again, seemingly without end...now please realize, I'm quite certaimly well aware Santayma said those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it, I assure you, I !erely point out that one tends, after a constant period of cultural inundation with such nightmaris craziness, that the mind just inevtsbly begins to rebel...I entirely agree with your sentiment, I merely thought I'd try to articulate my thoughts, as well, given all the cultural inundation I've had with it...I emtirely realize it'll obviously never stop, nor should it...I merely point out that, at the same time, the mind just becomes unutterably weary of having to try to cope with the sociocultural burden of it, that's my sole essential point, I quite realize you'll likely disagree, by all means, I'd also he most eager for yur thoughts, I'd just meant to give voice to mine about the whole topic for quite some time, it'd been a topic that'd been burdening !e for may years as I've reflected on it, that was why I'd thought trying to articulate those thoughts here, in this instance, just seemed rather somewhat appropriate and suitable in this specific case, many very real thanks, and for those who might, as I expect, likely disagree, I quite entirely, as I'd said, umderetand, of course, by all means.
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