Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 3
President Trump’s net worth is about $3.1 billion. That is $3.1 billion more than I have and I'm sure your in the same boat. So I would argue, despite what anyone says (including humor), he knows what he is doing. Otherwise, he would not be a Billionaire.
Cpl (Join to see)
He got a portion of it from his daddy, then failed, tried again, failed and tried again. Some people are just jealous they don't have the same drive to succeed as trump did.
Scouting Militart
Funny, how everyone do not like Socialism! Guess what there are only 2, Bernie and AOC. Do not lump every Democrats as Socialist!
Talking about socialism, which most of you half step in your grave. Trump embraces Putin, who is a symbol of Communism, and Trump has been dealing with Communists USSR all the way back to the 80s!
Talking about socialism, which most of you half step in your grave. Trump embraces Putin, who is a symbol of Communism, and Trump has been dealing with Communists USSR all the way back to the 80s!
Electricity prices in Canada are too high! Fight back! WhatARipOff.ca
VISIT http://www.WhatARipOff.ca — and share this video! Ezra Levant of TheRebel.media shares his $1123 Ontario electricity bill. It's that high thanks to Lib...
President Trump has comeback. The green New Deal is that on arrival. Just look at Canada as a perfect example of what not to do. If we did what the green New Deal presidential candidates want, we will have a 600% increase in electricity. We will have carbon tax that will probably a dollar per gallon or more. Will probably have a natural gas bill that will have $75 on a carbon Levy during the winter time. Right now I'm paying about $40 a month in carbon tax on my natural gas bill when it's at 35 bucks at 10, can you imagine it at $100 a ton? Even Morning Joe was talking about having Ocasio Cortez be a liability to Democrats which could result in President Trump winning again in 2020. Don't believe the hype on carbon taxes and carbon tax credits. It's all about the money and it's not about the environment.
MAJ James Woods
At MSgt Clifford (who blocked me), says who? No one knows Trump’s true worth since he won’t release his tax returns that reflect his income before every taxpayer involuntarily pays for his trips to Trump Org owned resorts. Just saying.
LTC (Join to see)
MAJ James Woods I will agree on a single-payer healthcare system. My wife was in the hospital 4 years ago at this time recovering from an aneurysm she had due to some dumb shit teenagers stressing her out that are now today druggie dropouts on welfare and on their own. The Province paid for experimental medicines. I had the best medical care for my wife. They operated on her and put a small roach clip on the breach in her brain. She had a full recovery and didn't have any motor control problems. In the USA, the legal litigation Lobby wants to make lawsuit so they can get their 40 to 50%. They don't want tourt rerform because it is a cash cow. The pharmaceutical Lobby changes regulations in Congress so small-town Appalachia doctors can prescribe hundreds of thousands of pills of opioids and the DEA can't do anything about it. This needs to change and this corruption needs to stop. The doctor Lobby doesn't want it either because they can't make as much money. So even though I was tearing down point-by-point the la loca Ocasio Cortez Green New Deal, I will agree upon a single-payer healthcare system if the other portions because the tort reform, pharmaceutical price reform and doctor reform is allowed to go forward. I'm focusing on the environmental disaster portion. Thank you for bringing up the Medicare single-payer healthcare systems because I am actually for that. It wouldn't have made a difference had I not suffered here in Canada. I am all for a single-payer healthcare system.
Lt Col Charlie Brown Cpl (Join to see) MAJ James Woods MSgt (Join to see) CPT Jack Durish
Lt Col Charlie Brown Cpl (Join to see) MAJ James Woods MSgt (Join to see) CPT Jack Durish
LTC (Join to see)
MAJ James Woods
I'm sure you know about this story but I'm trying to educate the rest of us.
I'm sure you know about this story but I'm trying to educate the rest of us.

Ex-DEA agent: Opioid crisis fueled by drug industry and Congress
Whistleblower Joe Rannazzisi says drug distributors pumped opioids into U.S. communities -- knowing that people were dying -- and says industry lobbyists and Congress derailed the DEA's efforts to stop it
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