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Responses: 10
Maj Marty Hogan
Great read this morning- I have repeatedly stated we should have continued bombing through the entire process. We could have made a huge point and drug our feet like they did. Reminding them at each juncture we were mirroring their actions. I understand we wanted out- but it would have left a huge impression as we left. Strange- we are repeating this same behavior again today. Happy RED Friday all.

LTC Stephen F. SP5 Mark Kuzinski COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Maj William W. 'Bill' PriceCPL Dave Hoover SSG William Jones Sgt Vance Bonds SGT (Join to see) Cpl (Join to see) Sgt Randy Wilber SGT Rick Colburn SPC Margaret Higgins SSgt Donald Libby PO1 H Gene Lawrence Maj Robert Thornton PO3 Bob McCord SPC Douglas Bolton CWO3 Dennis M. Lt Col Charlie Brown
LTC John Griscom
LTC John Griscom
6 y
Have read several articles on how we are fighting "light wars" by not fully committing the necessary resources to reduce the period of conflict and defeat the enemy.
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
6 y
Maj Marty Hogan great comments and I agree 100%!
SGT Ernest Huerta
SGT Ernest Huerta
6 y
CAPT, you sure got THAT right. There is an old saying about Those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat the mistakes.....or something like that.
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SCPO Morris Ramsey
We should have bombed every target possible.
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
6 y
Amen to that Morris.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
It worked but we should have bombed them into oblivion
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
6 y
I agree 100%
SGT Ernest Huerta
SGT Ernest Huerta
6 y
GEN Curtis LeMay, USAF suggested "Bomb them back to the stone age!"
The war is long over. Them and Us have been at peace for many decades.
Five years ago my second oldest daughter, along a group of nurses and
medical workers, went to Vietnam and took a bicycle tour from Hanoi down
QL 1, the main N-S highway in Vietnam-it follows the coast line, from
Hanoi down to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). Vans followed each group and
they could ride in it when they got tired. Along the way they stayed at hotels.
She said the accommodations and food were equal to western standards.
local citizen she met were very friendly. The country, in and of itself, is
BEAUTIFUL. I have read/heard that the interior of the country has natural
features netter than one could not find in Hawaii. One writer swore that while
on RIF they came upon a waterfall, pool and besides the trees, every type of
plant life, some he had never before. they were in a valley or canyon that
wasn't on their map. A check of the surrounding area revealed no signs that
anybody had been there. After putting out security the LT ordered a break.
The water was fresh, cool and clean. After every man had taken a dip they suited
up and left.
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