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Responses: 10
SSgt Gary Andrews
The crown prince is looking for help anywhere he can get it......not surprising if he "went to Jared" for whatever he can do for him. Also not surprising if in fact Jared shared information with him that he shouldn't have.
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SGT Retired
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel lets be realistic about this article. Did Kushner give him intelligence? Probably.

But it doesn’t say what type. Did an FDO scrub it a few times? The report essentially states, “He also told members of his circle that the intelligence included information on who was disloyal to him. There is no way to independently verify the truth of the boast.
'Jared took a list out of names from US eavesdrops of people who were supposedly MBS's enemies,' said one source, characterizing how MBS spoke about the information.
'He took a list out of these people who had been trashing MBS in phone calls, and said 'these are the ones who are your enemies'”.

Ok great. I can google and find a list of people who trash MBS on the phone. No big secret. It’s possible that Kushner gave MBS a list of people that simply verified his paranoia. MBS turned around and bragged about his high end “intelligence” that he got. I don’t like to stereotype, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned about many cultures in the Arab world is that bragging to increase your ‘wasta’ (prestige, clout, who you know) is common.

When deployed to Afghanistan, we had to scrub a lot of intelligence down to Centrix, so it could ultimately be dissemniated to some Afghan partners. Realistically, the information was near useless. But they were beyond excited that they were getting ‘classified’ information from Americans. Their commanders would brag about it. (While we were thinking, ‘this stuff is useless. Why are they excited?)

I’m not defending Kushner. But the report isn’t detailed enough to verify what he gave MBS.
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