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Responses: 4
CSM Charles Hayden
Edited 6 y ago
This being the officer’s second - ? - shooting, things should go badly for her, SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
6 y
CSM, I don't think it will. There have been other shootings that were supposedly "cut and dry" cases with excellent video proof where the cop walked away just fine (NOT referencing Mike Brown). I'm NOT going to use the race card yet either. I want to see how this pans out. I AM going to call BS on her affidavit. It reads as a "get outta jail free instructional" paper, with all the "right' sayings.
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SSgt Boyd Welch
During my time as a LEO, we had a lot of great, dedicated professional officers. We also had those who were hired as political favors because some local politician's kid could not get a job. They should have never been given a badge much less a weapon. I had to belt this one guy for shooting at a poor dog in an owners back yard when the dog was chained, wasn't growling and was wagging his tail. Before he fired the shot he stated" I feel threatened. I got a three day suspension for striking him but on the other side of the fence where the dog was chained was a playground with kids on it. Not everyone is cut out to wear a uniform.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
6 y
Not everyone shares a desire to do the right thing in any uniform. Some look for the "power trip" and knowledge that almost anything they do will end with the other side taking the brunt of it. I have no issues saying good job to the cops who bust their asses and do the right thing (even when I don't like it), but I'll be damned if I sit back (even with dear friends who are current cops) sit back and not say something when they fuck it up. Even here when you go against the grain regarding cops, I've had a few actually go out of their way to demean me and others thinking their position/rank in the PD is going to intimidate and anything we look up, post, or present is slanted or biased. Even when it's from a DOJ or state PD page.

Not ALL cops are bad, not ALL cops are good, but there has to be a general accountability for actions taken without fear of character assignation either for/against the cop or for the victim. If the highlight of your day isn't how many people you helped without escalation, but the number of times you pulled out your non and lethal means to "deescalate" a situation, you might be in the wrong profession. If one is a criminal, you're in the RIGHT profession....to make sure someone puts you after court where you have lots of time to think about life decisions.
SGT Tomas "Huey" Husted
SGT Tomas "Huey" Husted
6 y
Many of us from my home town felt threatened because of 2 police officer's.They were upper classman by one year in high school. And they were the biggest bullies in the school, literally. They didn't care who they picked on, girls the goat ropers (their designation) the heads. Even special ed kids. As cops they were constantly harassing my self and my groups of friends.
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CWO3 Us Marine
Edited 6 y ago
Two shots fired in the dark, on the wrong floor of the complex. If she's that incapacitated or confused, why was she armed? Claims the door was ajar, but 2 witnesses heard a woman knock and say "let me in". Sounds rotten to me. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/dallas-police-officer-amber-guyger-botham-jean-shooting_us_5b96daf8e4b0cf7b0042b550
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
6 y
The neighbor took a video of what happened, and it's nothing like what the cop said happens. Even the other neighbors are saying she is lying. My question is still, why did they take so long to get a warrant, whereas had the shoe been on the other foot, the criminal (rightfully so) been under the jail with no bond at all?

This is in now way, shape or form directed at you Chief, but where are the people who swore Kap was wrong for kneeling in protest of police brutality again? This is a prime example of why he is doing what he's doing, not the anthem or the military.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
6 y
SSG Warren Swan - Good question. Just my opinion - CK wanted to protest the killings. Not the Flag, Nation, or military. He spoke with Nate Solder and on his recommendation decided kneeling was better than sitting. The players' actions got spun as an attack on the Flag rather than killings and it became a political football. I think some areas along with NFL threw some cash at an inner-city effort to remedy the actual issue. Conversely, boycotts on NFL/Nike and any others came along. Not addressing the tough jobs LEO's have, as it approaches combat in some areas. I get more enraged by folks like Westboro than NFL, because there is a huge delta between taking a knee to bring about change, and celebrating the death of a serviceman at their funeral while submitting the loved ones to their verbal garbage. I do support the right to legally and peacefully protest by all in USA. I'd add that this case seems to be in progress and made public, so it fails to make the "worst" list of a few that weren't as such with me. I'd hope that would be the end-game CK was seeking. Stop shootings? Yes. Stop selective prosecution? Definitely. Kap turned it around with $200 million contract, so he's good. I don't care who boycotts. I only care about the sport, because there has been no disrespect intentionally directed toward Vets etc. Make sure you boycott the NE v TN game so I can get a better seat, please.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
6 y
CWO3 (Join to see) - Thanks for your opinion Sir. Not because I agree with it, but because it was framed in a manner to spark conversation and debate. Not to squash it over personal bias.
Kap got a $200mil contract, and after seeing how he donated a million of his own money, his suits, and he shoe collection that was apparently valued in the upper six digits, he's not one for keeping it all to himself. I was actually pissed about the shoes being I do like collecting certain ones. I have to wait. Keep what I feel professional until it comes to the bitter end of a conviction or no conviction. I'm surprised there has been only one Senator from TX who spoke on it nationally, and unsurprisingly it was serving Dem Senator, but not one of the more mainstream names who are running for seats now. I wish I had time to give to that man to see this to the end, but he's with God now. He's better off than any of us.
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