Posted on Jul 16, 2018
The most shameful, stunning moment of the Trump presidency
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 18
You know ‘there were problems in Charlottesville with good people on both sides? Regarding election fraud brought on by Russia, ‘there is blame on both sides’.
If Obama was on a factually debunked ‘Apology Tour’, what on earth is this? ‘The Both aides Tour’? How many people have to tell you from your own party, your own hand picked advisors, and the briefing notes you don’t read because they’re ‘boring’ and ‘long’ before you get the point? What did brining up HRC and the emails mean here? I’m wondering how long in the interests of ‘good stewardship’ will it be before Putin and the Chinese both get personal tours of Ft. Knox’s gold repository with a autographed map of the place? Next a tour of Area 51 for S&G’s? They’re both good people ya know
If Obama was on a factually debunked ‘Apology Tour’, what on earth is this? ‘The Both aides Tour’? How many people have to tell you from your own party, your own hand picked advisors, and the briefing notes you don’t read because they’re ‘boring’ and ‘long’ before you get the point? What did brining up HRC and the emails mean here? I’m wondering how long in the interests of ‘good stewardship’ will it be before Putin and the Chinese both get personal tours of Ft. Knox’s gold repository with a autographed map of the place? Next a tour of Area 51 for S&G’s? They’re both good people ya know
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Donald H "Don" Bates - Well hang on to your might find out. Grab some popcorn too
Dana Rochelle
All of you Antifa apologists should be ASHAMED of yourselves. They are a domestic terrorist organization on our soil. They are ALSO directly related to the Euro-Antifa Communists who rose to power after WWII. Learn something and quit being a disgrace to the country with your ignorance about the enemies within our very country. They claim "no organization" so it's all just a coincidence that they protest the same days with the same signs and the same chants. Are you really that ignorant about what is going on in your own country? The KKK has killed a few thousand MAX. Communism has killed over 120 MILLION. There is NO comparison between the two. Communists are Communists, if you don't understand that, you're lost.
As for the meeting. Grow up and get hold of your emotions. Maybe eliminate some of the soy from your diets so you'll remember what it's like to be in a country with some testosterone at the helm. POTUS just made a deal with Putin that is rocking the swamp to the core. You're behind the curve again lefties.
As for the meeting. Grow up and get hold of your emotions. Maybe eliminate some of the soy from your diets so you'll remember what it's like to be in a country with some testosterone at the helm. POTUS just made a deal with Putin that is rocking the swamp to the core. You're behind the curve again lefties.
Dana Rochelle
PO2 Robert Aitchison et al... The purpose of antifa is to spread communism, pure and simple. To say the kkk has been around CENTURIES longer is insanity. Communism in one form or another has been around MAYBE 50 years less BUT the kkk is down to 6-10,000 members according to your own lefty group the splc. I'm pretty sure that they are never going to kill 120,000,000 people the way communism has. By the way, you DO realize that a communist county run by a dictator is also a fascist country... And a country with a duly elected president who has zero Supreme Court rebilled for any of his actions (unlike his predecessor who had at least a dozen concerning overreach), is NOT a fascist country not it's it controlled by one. Pack up your "feelz" and go find a safe space with a crying room for your schadenfreude...
Was there a plane full of cash? Maybe that comes at the end of his presidency too.
SFC Michael Hasbun
Is that a reference to the money that we confiscated from Syria and subsequently returned?
SSgt Christopher Brose
MSgt Steve Sweeney - One of those two people runs a foundation that solicits billions of dollars from despotic countries. The other one donates his presidential salary. If you're suggesting someone is tempted to keep a planeload of cash, I'm telling you that you're thinking of the wrong person.
SSgt Christopher Brose
MSgt Steve Sweeney - You need to get your vision checked. I never said anything about a crime.
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