Posted on Jun 26, 2018
Trump's advisors 'hate what Canada represents': Former ambassador
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
I enjoy hearing those who created the mess we're in explaining how President Trump is screwing up all their good work, don't you?
SSgt Gary Andrews
Oh yes.......thank goodness someone is finally slapping around the Canadians, the British, the French and the Germans......and playing kissy-face with our true friends, the Russians and the North Koreans. It just warms my heart.....
Cpl Jeff N.
The comfortable days where they tax/tariff/duty some of our goods on the inbound and/or VAT our products to make them less desirable/affordable etc. are ending and none of them like it. The Canadians, Brits, French etc. are our allies but that should not be construed to mean that they will not aggressively negotiate trade deals in their best interest or apply duties and tariffs to protect their markets. They have and they do.
Bought and paid for, like most ambassadors. All I heard is critical comment against Trump. But, that is why this was posted, as usual.
MSgt George Cater
Yes, on par with the usual fact that ambassadors are just payoff for campaign contributions or other political support.
MSgt Allen Chandler
I heard a lot of criticism of Trump and his statements so on that part you’re right was anything he said untrue that’s the important part it’s seem to me that the things he said ring true Trump did work The real estate For many years and there are many cases where people took him to court because he and his business wouldn’t pay bills so if some of what he said was untrue please explain to me
MSgt Allen Chandler
MCPO Roger Collins so if you have a person donated to trump that would prove that he was on trustworthy when he criticized anybody other than Trump. that’s the argument you’re using when you say this man support Obama. I have no idea how much he gave to political parties or how much he got paid but listening to his story rang true to me. if there are specific parts or statements that were not true please tell me.
MSgt Allen Chandler
MSgt George Cater Using that logic how can we trust anybody that was appointed by Trump for any job there I’ll just pay off’s because they contributed or supported him
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