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Responses: 4
LTC Self Employed
Edited >1 y ago
Could it be that Chelsea Manning is having a nervous breakdown because she's a drunk and a druggie?

The traitor was out of the country and the Police did not want to take any chances.

Only a person like that would have emotional issues and give 200,000+ plus emails away to our enemy.

Diplomatic information concerning people (including foreign Military Officers and other government officials who may be sympathetic to the American cause and have anti-corruption ideas) has been given to the opposing people in those respective governments and hundreds if not thousands of people have been fired, demoted, imprisoned or killed thanks to PFC Manning's atrocity of giving out internal information between the U.S Embassy Staff or Ambassador. This confidential or Secret information that was supposed to be shared ONLY between the US government entities has gotten out thanks to idiot Manning's bad judgment.

I would not be disappointed if PFC Manning would try to kill herself. She probably thinks that she is the
'king who does not wear clothes\ In denial. She's probably disappointed because Canada denied Manning access because Canada, unlike President Obama who Parton her, considers Manning to have committed high treason. Yes social justice Warriors, Canada, a liberal country considers PFC Manning to have committed high treason! Yes, I say again PFC Manning was not a victim. She committed high treason!

Social justice Warriors and PFC Manning, repeat 100 times, PFC Manning was convicted of high treason!

I have a friend, a retired Full Bird Colonel who served 30 years Active duty, who was a foreign area officer for 5 years in South East Asia at a friendly embassy. He was livid about Idiot Manning and the supposed 'innocent' e-mail that embassies possess. It is often information on who is corrupt, who is not corrupt and who we can influence. It may also be stuff that can be embarrassing to reveal about corruption in that particular country where we have an embassy. People's heads will roll if this information got out. PFC Idiot druggie Manning is no hero. People, not Americans, who work in other governments are in prison or dead due to Manning's revelations. Some will doubt me but I hope somebody, was a FAO, will back me up here aside from my retired Col. friend.

Manning is not a Socal Justice Warrior. She is a stupid fool and a convicted traitor. President Obama commuted the sentence. Still, Manning is guilty and will always be a traitor with blood on her hands just like the red fingernail polish in this picture.

1LT Sandy Annala PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SMSgt Minister Gerald A. "Doc" Thomas CPT Jack Durish SPC Margaret Higgins Capt Sabrena Goldman MAJ Montgomery Granger Col (Join to see) COL M Stock Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
MSG Andrew White SPC Andrew Ross PO3 Bob McCord LT Brad McInnis Lt Col Charlie Brown COL Dana Hampton MAJ Don Bigger SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint COL (Join to see)
A1C Ian Williams
MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy
MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy
>1 y
MAJ Stephen Conway – God's obviously challenged Ms. Chelsea with issues. I recommend the wisdom of ECCL 9:11, Sir. It reminds us that we all have issues—some of us just have more obvious issues than others. If that doesn't work, I recommend Baba Rogers, who God blessed with the gentlest gift to patiently dealing with people-issues. The most frailest and fragilest of people would trust this Brother with their issue. As a latchkey kid, I did. Have a great Air & Space Day. Defensor Fortis! And let's keep the likes of Chelsea Manning in our prayers. Amen?

My Favorit Baba Rogers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DGdDQrXv5U&feature=share
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LTC Self Employed
Edited >1 y ago
23 veterans a day die of Suicide and I would not have felt sad if She Killed Herself. PFC Manning should have received the Private Slovik justice. I actually felt sad for Private Slovik. He had a criminal record. He told his commander he did not want to fight. He was executed to make an example to others soldiers. The Battle of the Bulge was winding down and many died. Bergdahl and Manning deserved to be imprisoned or executed. Manning got the Hillary Clinton Treatment of Justice thanks to former President Obama.


COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Ivan Raiklin, Esq. LTC John Shaw CPT Chris Loomis 1LT Sandy Annala PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SPC Margaret Higgins CSM William DeWolf A1C Ian Williams LTC Stephen C. LTC Stephen F. SPC David S.
LTC Bill Koski SMSgt Minister Gerald A. "Doc" Thomas CPT Jack Durish
COL (Join to see) COL M Stock Col (Join to see)
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes, I can watch now on Fox News. Double standard. Hillary Clinton repeatedly getting the Teflon treatment but the US government.
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SCPO Investigator
Before, during, and since my own personal career as a gun-toting cop, law enforcement officers have been mandated by the expectations of society to be able to perform at some level of competence in every profession, let alone their own. Part doctor, lawyer, plumber, electrician, chauffeur, psychologist, visionary, pro wrestler, expert marksman, social scientist, ad nauseum. Those are jus some of the other jobs I had to perform on an almost daily basis. Not much room left for “Serve and Protect,” let alone any time for potty breaks or eating lunch!!!
MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy
MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy
>1 y
SCPO Donnie Bowerman — When I was an air police, to "Serve and Protect" meant being a part doctor, lawyer, plumber, electrician, chauffeur, psychologist, visionary, pro wrestler, expert marksman, social scientist, ad nauseum.

According to Baba Dr. Claude Anderson, it's the difference between living in a "neighbor" and a "community." In community expectation, a responder will be all s/he can be to fix the problem, and what s/he can't be, the community network will be alerted to help fix the issue. In neighbor expectation, a responder only need follow the law. I've got "Letters of Appreciation" out the ying yang to prove my point.
SCPO Investigator
SCPO (Join to see)
4 y
MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy ... We'll, La Dee Da, let's pin a rose on your nose!!! Air Police, huh? That's what, a level or two above Wackenhut? And Commendation Letters out the Ying Yang? Everybody on here knows about the USAF and their mad penchant for medals and commendations for everything, right down to wiping your ass according to USAF Operating Procedures!!! You let me know when you've been a REAL Poe Leece man in a real American city with a population during business hours of over a million people. Air Police, that's a good one!!! You have no point.
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