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Responses: 8
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
Edited 7 y ago
This is particularly sad in part because the penalty for child sexual abuse runs typically five years - admittedly served in a population noted for sexual and other abuse of child molesters - but still not life in prison or the death penalty - irrespective of my personal feelings about the seriousness of the crime - my desire to seek the death penalty in the case of child molestation or rape of any person. This is a very sad story of a man who was a Religious Officiant seen on TV during the Presidential Campaign. My feeling was there was something rather dark about him - perhaps because he was particularly malicious in making his claims that the Obamas were monkeys. To be fair - this might be only the tip of the iceberg - where men in power - whether personal, social, economic, or political - have abused young women in secrecy for far too long - and there will be a purge of these men from high corporate and political office - based not on waiting for legal process - but because they are run out of town on a rail - due to public outrage based on multiple independent witnesses who arise out of personal experience over decades in widely scattered locations around the country. Judicial process is frankly not the answer where men have exercised their power to silence women for decades. The #metoo movement is perhaps the best answer because it cloud sources the core investigative and independent testimony required to motivate formal investigation and removal of men of low character from any position in which they may continue to use power to abuse women. This is not formal legal prosecution, incarceration, litigation, and financial compensation for abuse - this is a public moral, ethical, and decency purge. Men who have abused women - either out of a personal conscience or because they see the inevitable writing on the wall leave office. Those who have a deep and abiding belief in themselves and moral commitment to fight the charges - they will fight the charges - and emerge with a clean record. Those who know they did the deed will depart. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
p.s. I believe the overwhelming majority of men are good men. But, power corrupts many men.

CPT Jack Durish CMDCM Gene Treants

CMSgt Security Forces
CMSgt (Join to see)
7 y
I agree with everything you said and detest child molesters. I would only point out that one of the unfortunate truths is that 'some' child molesters were victims themselves and perpetuate this behavior as adults. It is critical that victims of child abuse get the psychological help they need so they can have a chance at some level of happiness and normalcy as adults. We are quick to condemn the abusers but spend little time on the victims.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
7 y
CMSgt (Join to see) - Indeed. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
LTC Stephen F.
Edited 7 y ago
Before the internet and near-real-time spreading of information true and false innocent until proven guilty was much more easy to realize SPC Robert Coventry.
While many in public office are jaded with stony hearts, there are some who are vulnerable nd feel a sense of shame when accused publicly.
It is indeed sad when anybody commits suicide including Rep. Dan Johnson.

I long ago started to ignore anything NPR shares especially if it is political.

"The accusations from NPR are false GOD and only GOD knows the truth, nothing is the way they make it out to be. AMERICA will not survive this type of judge and jury fake news . Conservatives take a stand. I LOVE GOD and I LOVE MY WIFE, who is the best WIFE in the world, My Love Forever ! My Mom and Dad my FAMILY and all five of my kids and Nine grandchildren two in tummies and many more to come each of you or a total gift from GOD stay strong, REBECCA needs YOU . 9-11-2001 NYC/WTC, PTSD 24/7 16 years is a sickness that will take my life, I cannot handle it any longer. IT Has Won This Life . BUT HEAVEN IS MY HOME. “PLEASE LISTEN CLOSELY, Only Three things I ask of you to do, if you love me is (1)blame no person, Satan is the accuser, so blame the Devil himself. (2) Forgive and Love everyone especially yourself .(3)most importantly LOVE GOD. P.S. I LOVE MY FRIENDS YOU ARE FAMILY ! GOD LOVES ALL PEOPLE NO MATTER WHAT !
Rep. Dan Johnson Facebook post"
FYI COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C. LTC Orlando Illi LTC (Join to see) LTC Ivan Raiklin, Esq. Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. Capt Seid Waddell Capt Jeff S. CPT Jack Durish MSgt Robert C Aldi SFC Stephen King MSgt Danny Hope SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SGT Gregory Lawritson Cpl Craig Marton SP5 Mark Kuzinski
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
he is the one that tried and convicted himself. He is the only one responsible fore the lack of due process. Accusing someone of a crime does not deprive them of due process in the least

Do you have an factual reason to belie that NPR, or anyone else made false accusations? Are they not innocent until proven guilty also?
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
7 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr -
1. Well NPR has generally been leaning to the left for the past few decades.
2. NPR has been partially funded by the government for some time.
3. The fact that NPR has been funded at least in part by the federal government, and that the NPR "news" has been biased towards modern liberalism is troubling to me.
I have beeb exposed to NPR since the 1970s. My family [parents, sisters, aunts and uncles and cousins] have been politically liberal throughout their lives. They listened to NPR and I listened to it as well.
4. All news agencies are biased to one degree or another. If they are up front about their biases that is not an issue. [CNN, FOC, MSNBC, all are generally up front about their biases.] I hope that NPR will no longer be funded by the Federal government very soon.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
So you have no evidence that NPR did anything wrong or showed bias I'm this case but made the acustion out of your own biases?
LTC Stephen F.
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MAJ James Woods
Nothing happened to innocent until proven guilty. The issues leading up to his death goes well beyond "due process" and more of a reflection of his personal emotional and mental state. Suicide is never something I'd wish on a sexual predator but I would presume his conscious didn't want to face the allegation and any investigation.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
7 y
Agreed. The point of the #metoo campaign is like the Security Clearance / Personnel Reliability Program - why fill a corporate or political position of power and authority with someone under credible suspicion when there are plenty of good men and women with no skeletons in their closet (OK I might have one or two ) who would be pleased to serve. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
CPT Jack Durish CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
7 y
I cannot believe that anyone innocent would choose suicide rather than face his accuser, however, I am not willing to condemn anyone without knowing all of the facts. We will never know the full story.
MSG Andrew White
MSG Andrew White
7 y
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