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Responses: 4
SCPO Morris Ramsey
SFC (Join to see),SP5 Mark Kuzinski When we heard this on the radio, in real time, Little did we know e would be reading about it some fifty plus years later.
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
7 y
Got that right Morris.
MAJ Don Bigger
MAJ Don Bigger
7 y
I was a 20yr old Marine Cpl at the time, and don’t recall hearing much about this, if anything at all. Maybe I was simply naive and didn’t pay any attention to what the politicos were saying. Either way, I’m impressed you remember hearing it. I was just too self-absorbed in my own world.

Good post, though. Thanks.
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CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
Outstanding historical data presented in a KISS manner and without prejudice; rarely seen - Great Work, thanks.
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
7 y
I agree.
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LTC Stephen F.
Edited 7 y ago
Thanks for reminding us SP5 Mark Kuzinski of the days when secret "peace talks" in Paris which ironically was the capital of the former French Indochina were hopelessly deadlocked.
While North Vietnamese negotiator Le Duc Tho and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger were deadlocked in Paris many NVA and US military forces were engaged in combat in Vietnam. Rice paddies, jungles, and central highlands battle areas where life and death took place side-by-side while paneled offices in Paris were occupied by diplomats who complained if their needs were not met to their liking.
FYI LTC Bill Koski CW5 (Join to see) MSG Brad Sand SGM Steve Wettstein SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SP5 Mark Kuzinski SrA Christopher Wright PO1 William "Chip" Nagel PO1 John Miller SP5 Robert Ruck SPC (Join to see) PO3 Steven Sherrill SN Greg Wright Maj Marty Hogan TSgt Joe C. Cpl Joshua Caldwell SGT Michael Thorin SP5 Dave (Shotgun) Shockley SPC Margaret Higgins
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