Posted on Nov 29, 2017
Libyan Convicted of Terrorism in Benghazi Attacks but Acquitted of Murder
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Who is to say a Military Tribunal would have come up with something different. Him being sentenced to a Federal prison will not be a cake walk for him. He will probably be very alone there too, somewhere cold (hopfully) instead of the sunny never cold climate of Cuba.
How many people has this prison (Guantanamo Bay) put to death? Not one in the 16 plus years it has been there.
Ultimate goal is jail for these people or they should have shot them in battle.
How many people has this prison (Guantanamo Bay) put to death? Not one in the 16 plus years it has been there.
Ultimate goal is jail for these people or they should have shot them in battle.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
Yes and no, MSgt. Thank you for your comment. In Federal prison, where over 500 have been convicted of terrorism charges, yet over 200 have been released after having served their sentences, an unlawful combatant Islamist who wants to kill us can fraternize with others of like minds and recruit others to their cause. At Gitmo we can lawfully hold even POW's until the end of hostilities without charge or trial. For those suspected of war crimes, currently, Obama's 2006 Military Commissions Act give virtually the same rights you or I would enjoy in a Federal Court of law. The way military commissions are supposed to work, as per the Law of Land Warfare, or Army Field manual 27-10, is that the accused is given the SAME rights a US soldier would have through the UCMJ. That's fair and just and, if done properly, should take no more than several weeks to a few months to adjudicate. The example is six dry-foot German saboteurs who were executed within two months after capture in the US during WWII. Habeas corpus was denied, military commission established, and, without any of them having hurt a fly or destroying any property, they were executed via electric chair for being spies - basically breaking Geneva Convention, i.e., not wearing uniforms, not carrying arms openly and then having the means and intent to kill and destroy property. If treated the same, most of the 730 released Gitmo detainees would have been executed.
The C-130 gun ship over Benghazi should have been used on the ( protesters). Then, we would not have to pay 7 million for this puke. Plus, court cost and jail time.
In the New Age, terrorism, even Islamic terrorism, is just a crime against the State.
In the New Age, terrorism, even Islamic terrorism, is just a crime against the State.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
Right, so the Alt-Left seek to manipulate perception on this and all hostile actions against the US. The Alt-Left are trying to minimize the fact that we are at war. Gitmo detainees are victims. Terrorists are people, too. All propaganda. We need to be ever vigilant and treat enemies within the Law of War and stop extending extra legal privileges to them.
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