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Responses: 3
LTC Stephen F.
Austin Hocutt
Austin Hocutt
>1 y
It's not a problem Sir!
SP5 Robert Ruck
SP5 Robert Ruck
>1 y
A great parody. Every time I see videos or pictures of these misguided people I get a sour feeling in the pit of my stomach. They have no inkling of what communist totalitarianism is or what the people had to live like under those horrible regimes. They are so naive. Reminds me of the young girls who went running to ISIS. What in heaven's name were they thinking?
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Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
Pepe the Frog Lives!
Austin Hocutt
Austin Hocutt
>1 y
Indeed he does.
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LTC Self Employed
Edited >1 y ago
Very funny and very true period I'm not really a fan of Ann Coulter but it's funny how some non-UC Berkeley druggies radicals (who most whom do not belong to UC Berkeley but who have nowhere else to go except for Occupy Wall Street) decide to come to Berkeley to protest and act like the Nazis burning stuff like what really happened in history and made fun of in one of the Indiana Jones movies
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield -
Austin Hocutt
Last week, the former deputy commander of our Brigade was giving his farewell speech to us. His Brigade Commander was very disappointed because he did not make selection to Colonel and he could understand how the Colonel's board could have passed him up even though he took all the schooling and was Deputy Brigade Commander at my unit. Here's what he said: he said that he did not become a colonel because he stayed in combat arms his whole life. He was an armor officer from second Lieutenant all the way lieutenant colonel. Since we were in a training command, it is branch immaterial. He was an OCT Observer controller trainer period he never tried to get into civil Affairs or Logistics and the Army Reserve there is no combat arms it's all combat support and combat service support. So if you become an officer later in life, make sure if you go into a combat arms to try to diversify into some other specialty period I was military police and I still am. I became an MP enlisted and later officer and for my Advanced course I became an armor officer period later, I joined civil affairs period I had no problem making major even though I didn't have any company command. Not sure if I will make Lieutenant Colonel but at least I finished all my schooling to make it to the next rank period so follow your heart follow your dream but remember to diversify if you become an 11 Bravo that's great but later try to learn about logistics or get into ordinance or even civil affairs that way you can have a diversified background that will allow you to be promoted to the next higher rank whether that be officer or enlisted. What staff sergeant Hartsfield said is true.
Austin Hocutt
Austin Hocutt
>1 y
And my last note on this, will be this, I did not mean to come off disrespectful to anyone on this site, because generally people on this site are decent people. They don't do things like Berkeley UC in which means they are open to having a enlightening discussion with the opposing view without censoring them.

I'm talking about the people who do censor opposing views, who try and propagate reverse racism, or sexism, or just generally act like the thing they are against. Those people are in the most brutal and efficient way to describe is cucks. Whether this language is prohibited or shunned, I do not care because I refuse to dress up a ugly situation with pretty words.

-Just read up on what you said Michael and I don't think support MOS's are worse. I just don't find myself in them, without support MOS's combat would be ineffective without combat. Support MOS's would have to ditch their jobs and we refer to the beginning. Support is needed, combat is needed. They live together. I just stated what I was going. I wasn't going to be a jet fuel pumper. Which I hear everyone saying join that to just get free money.-

My reason for joining the military and the MOS that I do, is I want to be apart of a reason that America didn't fall, and I want to have the best chance to give the most patriotic thing to my country, my life. -I respect anyone who serves. Whether it be jet fuel pumper, or SOF. Though I personally can't find myself doing the jet fuel pumper job for my entire military career because it's just not my thing.
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Austin, I first want to say thank you for your patriotism, but let me give you some friendly advice. Do not paint with a broad brush and try to understand people a little more.

My cousin is a LTC and pilot in the Air Force who also started as an enlisted man. He flies fuel tankers to refuel attack jets so maybe he is a "jet fuel pumper" as well. I was 11 Bravo and got my two degrees in the liberal arts. Generals even have degrees in the liberal arts such as History, Political Science, and yes even English. I know many SF guys and you would be surprised how liberal some of them are or were before they died.

My advice to you is to not be so judgemental. SSG Hartsfield may be very liberal, but he also was a part of a Special Forces unit. Each SF team member must have two MOSs and many are "support" MOSs like field medics. Fortunately you are young and will outgrow it as you see more of the world and meet a diversity of people. Good luck to you in your training!
Austin Hocutt
Austin Hocutt
>1 y
Thank you.I don't mind if your liberal, conservative. Apache attack helicopter. I just find it unacceptable and cuckish behavior on any side to censor an opposing view.

When I made that comment about radical lefts being cucks usually not joining the military. I came into that with the idea of what a radical person is. And it's not like anything Michael is, or anyone on RP. Not even Ti Long, or LCpl James, because they don't do the things that you see at like Berkeley. Those people are what I count as radical lefts.

I have yet to see Michael post a video how how he pepper sprayed this woman for attending a Trump rally, or I have yet to see him censor people on here. That makes a him respectable person, because I don't care how far left his opinion goes, he lets others express theirs.

Though tell me am I wrong to assume this. That it is hard to get into the military. It is hard to stay in this military. And there are jobs within this military that are harder to get into and stay into than other jobs? Like who has more chance to stay 20 years in the military in that one MOS, a Green Beret or a cook, granted they both deserve respect for getting into the military. But to me, I see the Green Beret guy having a much harder time maintaining a solid 20 years into his MOS than the cook. And when I get into the military I'm not talking about just trashing support units, because they're support units. I'm glad you are there because you are making my life 100% easier.

Though I just can't find myself in a support unit like logistics or some other logistical unit because that's the job they give people when they first sign up and have the attitude of give me anything. Me I have the goal in mind to become the best of the best in combat. And Cooks don't hold that as their title or role. That doesn't mean I don't respect them, it just means it's not what I want to be. I believe who ever takes that job has every right to serve their country how they see fit and it's great you are serving this country and serving it proudly. (I've spent this whole time trying to think of how to put thbis, without it sounding like I'm bagging on the support units, because I just find them not as hard as say Green Berets of Navy Seals. -I hope this explains what all of the above is)
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