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Responses: 14
Cpl Joshua Caldwell
There are many stains on the obama legacy, both in foreign and domestic policy. history will not be kind to him.
CPO Greg Frazho
CPO Greg Frazho
>1 y
Well said, Gunny.
SCPO Morris Ramsey
SCPO Morris Ramsey
>1 y
He is the worse thing to ever happen to black America.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
And that is unfortunate, he had the opportunity to be great, but chose to remain an activist community organizer.
Cpl Joshua Caldwell
Cpl Joshua Caldwell
>1 y
SCPO Morris Ramsey - The only groups that he wasnt a total disaster for were muslims who support terrorism and people who cant figure out what gender they are. I was going to say illegals but he helped to create the backlash that they will get hit with in the coming years.
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SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SGT (Join to see) you can say that again, it was a disaster IMHO for POTHUS Obama because of the lack of diplomacy.
SGT AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Diplomacy would not have helped... us keeping out of it is actually the best thing lest we became entangled in another ME country's bs and war.... at the same time that damn Red Line comment tho' grrrrrr
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) - I agree In any event He should not have made statements He was not going to back up. Sometimes there are times not to get involved, once You are You and anyone that follows You is stuck with the problem that didn't have to be ours in the first place.
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LTC Stephen C.
Edited >1 y ago
SGT (Join to see), the list of "stains" on Obama's legacy is virtually endless in my opinion. As Cpl Joshua Caldwell has already expressed, history will not be kind to him. All I would add to that is that short and long term history will show him to be one of the worst persons (if not the worst) to have ever inhabited the White House, assuming that historians are truthful in their chronicles and not revisionary historians as seem to be most in vogue these days. COL Jean (John) F. B. GySgt Melissa Gravila
GySgt Melissa Gravila
GySgt Melissa Gravila
>1 y
I've made my opinion of him crystal clear- he never has had America's best interests at heart. He has had a Socialist agenda from the beginning, and he has even gone as far as eluding to that fact himself on several occasions. I am sick and tired of this do as I say not as I do government way of thinking, and I will continue to vocalize it. The government works for us- not us for them! He thought himself a king, a dictator- I just think he's a waste of oxygen. He never cared about Americans and their families- homeless and suffering in the streets, he didn't care about social security not getting a pay raise- but he wants a pay raise after leaving office? Seniors have to choose between meds,utilities, housing, and food- but he (and by he I mean Congress as well) can't live on $200k+ per year &perks? The election was ugly, but the one thing that did shine through, Americans are tired of being lied to by him, Hillary, Kerry, Lynch, etc. Stop the C.Y.A. and start doing the right thing!
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 John Wagner
>1 y
Obama will not do well on the speech circuit.....he won't even be able to pay any good writers.. I am really disappointed on a couples points though.. Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton have done more harm to the advancement of rights for all races and genders in politics than it is within my grasp to measure
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 John Wagner
>1 y
Frankly at this point President Obama's legacy is pretty much just a stain....frankly I cannot come up with a single positive achievement....as to the negative? Well this is a forum not a bookstore. As I recall presidents get to plant a tree in the whitehouse grounds some where when they leave....I hope he picks something like a cottenless cottonwood.....they grow like weeds but the first good storm will knock the top heavy things over.
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