CPO Greg Frazho

CPO Greg Frazho

Dates of Service: Sep 1993 - Sep 2013
85% Complete
85 Contacts
Influence Score: 76,132
1,002 out of 864,902 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SA
  • SN Nov 93
  • PO3 Dec 94
  • PO2 Dec 95
  • PO1 Dec 98
  • CPO Sep 03

Recent Activity  -


Retired military careerist. Available for consultation and mentoring. My technical skills lay in still photography, in-depth research, team building, consequence management and conflict resolution.

Military Experiences

Apr 2009 - Sep 2013
Leading Chief Petty Officer, Facilities Chief, Training Chief, Operations Chief, Production Chief
Served in almost every work center at Combat Camera throughout a four-and-a-half year tour there. Started in Production; led and managed three work centers: Photojournalism, Video and Training. Moved to Operations about a year later and managed all operational aspects of the unit. Then moved to Facilities and took on Administration and Training before taking over as the Leading Chief Petty Officer (NCOIC) of Combat Camera. Variously in charge of 70 to 80 active duty and reserve component Sailors.
Sep 2012 - Mar 2013
Combat Camera
Served with two task forces throughout Afghanistan in the acquisition and dissemination of archival and tactical imagery from Paktika, Ghazni, Balkh and Baghlan provinces. These included validation and graduation shuras, key leadership engagements, sensitive sight exploitation, detainee operations and special events. Shot about 8,000 images on this portion of the deployment.
Apr 2012 - Sep 2012
Command Photographer
The task force's primary photographer documenting and archiving numerous events as regards detainee operations: administrative reviews, trials, release shuras, training and assessment visits, distinguished visits, and other special events. This part of the deployment pertained primarily to Kabul and Parwan provinces, and also occasionally within Kandahar and Helmand provinces. Shot about 5,100 images for CJIATF 435.
Sep 2009 - Mar 2010
Combat Camera
Led a four-person, joint services tactical imagery acquisition team as we documented various activities in western Iraq. Included key leadership engagements, detainee operations, sensitive sight exploitation, foreign internal defense training evolutions, convoys, patrols and special events throughout the battle space. Our team tallied just over 17,000 images throughout that deployment.


(5 years)
Apr 2012 - Mar 2013
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Command photographer and combat cameraman at two different joint commands in Afghanistan. This was in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. The first task force I served with, CJIATF 435, received the Joint Meritorious Unit Award (JMUC in Navy parlance) in 2012.
Sep 2009 - Mar 2010
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Combat camera team leader (NCOIC) at a task force in western Iraq. This was in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Sep 2005 - Sep 2006
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Press desk NCOIC and later media embed coordinator at Multi-National Force-Iraq. This was in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. MNF-I received the Joint Meritorious Unit Award (JMUA/JMUC) for their role in OIF III and IV.
Jun 2003 - Dec 2003
Public affairs leading petty officer (LPO) and leading chief petty officer (LCPO), as well as a squad leader, then platoon commander in a Seabee battalion. This was in support of COMNAVFORJAPAN.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jun 2009

Combat Camera Leadership Class

Jul 2005

Advanced Leadership Development Class

Jan 2000

Primary Leadership Development Class


Apr 2012

Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) for Senior NCOs

Oct 2007

Primary Professional Military Education (PPME)

Foreign Language Skills
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2018 - 2019

2016 - 2018

National American University

Master's Degree, Terrorism & Counterterrorism Studies

1987 - 1992

Michigan State University

Bachelors Degree, History / Political Science
