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Responses: 4
LTC Stephen F.
I concur with LTG William "Jerry" Boykin and I had sent a message to Fort Riley as a retired Army Infantry officer who was offended at the decision to cancel a prayer breakfast because of Mikey Weinstein's threats SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
I hope Fort Riley will either relent or formally apologize to the soldiers who has planned to attend the prayer breakfast.
I have had to stand up for what I believe more than a few a times and sometimes been punished for it. If this life were all that mattered ... Thankfully for those of us who know the Lord personally we are guided by Him and sometimes that means we say offensive things. The gospel is very offensive to those who do not believe in the true God. [that include me for nearly 31 years.]
LTG Boykin would be an inspirational speaker as a prayer breakfast. This was not a civics class or a plenary session for anybody who wanted to attend. This was a prayer breakfast which is something that has been associated with the US government for a very long time.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - interesting that you brought up confederate Lt Gen Nathan Bedford Forrest. On June 14, 1861 he enlisted as a private and was promoted to Colonel by the state governor. SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
He was a controversial figure who demonstrated personal bravery during the war and was at the Battle of Fort Pillow among other battles between black northern and southern white forces. Afterwards he demonstrated his bigotry towards southern blacks by being a founding member of the KKK.
June 15, 1864: "General Sherman, learning of the defeat at Brice's Crossroads, writes Edwin Stanton "But Forrest is the very devil, ...There never will be peace in Tennessee till Forrest is dead."
By comparing LTG William "Jerry" Boykin to Nathan Bedford Forrest you are maligning the former and elevating the latter.
From everything I have heard or more often seen from William "Jerry" Boykin, his views generally line up with the Biblical record. The Bible teaches us that all humans are guilty of sin and in need of redemption. As far as God is concerned all rejection of Him is sin. Our behavior is part of the issue but the most important issues are heart issues.COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C. SP5 Mark Kuzinski SrA Christopher Wright SGT John " Mac " McConnell SMSgt Minister Gerald A. "Doc" Thomas SGT Forrest Stewart SGM David W. Carr LOM, DMSM MP SGT
His comments on same sex relationship are much milder than Muslim views on the same issue when they go to the Koran as reference.
Below is summary of Nathan Bedford Forrest's life and times:
"With no formal military training, Nathan Bedford Forrest became one of the leading cavalry figures of the Civil War. The native Tennesseean had amassed a fortune, which he estimated at $1,500,000, as a slave trader and plantation owner before enlisting in the Confederate army as a private in Josiah H. White's cavalry company on June 14, 1861. Tapped by the governor, he then raised a mounted battalion at his own expense."
In December 1862 and January 1863 he led another raid, this time in west Tennessee, which contributed to the abandonment of Grant's campaign in central Mississippi; the other determining factor was Van Dorn's Holly Springs raid. Joining up with Joseph Wheeler, Forrest took part in the unsuccessful attack on Fort Donelson which resulted in Forrest swearing he would never serve under Wheeler again.
His next success came with the capture of the Union raiding column under Abel D. Streight in the spring of 1863. On June 14, 1863, he was shot by a disgruntled subordinate, Andrew W. Gould, whom Forrest then mortally wounded with his penknife. Recovering, he commanded a division that summer and then a corps at Chickamauga. Having had a number of disputes with army commander Braxton Bragg, Forrest was humiliated by being placed under Wheeler again. His request for transfer to west Tennessee was granted and he was dispatched there with a pitifully small force. Recruiting in that area, he soon had a force large enough to give Union commanders headaches. Sherman kept ordering his Memphis commanders to catch him.
When Forrest captured Fort Pillow a controversy developed over reports of a massacre of the largely black garrison. Apparently a massacre did occur there are numerous Confederate firsthand accounts of it. He defeated Samuel D. Sturgis at Brice's Crossroads and under Stephen D. Lee fought Andrew J. Smith at Tupelo. He again faced Smith during August 1864 and then provided the cavalry force for Hood's invasion of middle Tennessee that fall. Finally the force of numbers began to tell when he proved incapable of stopping Wilson's raid through Alabama and Georgia in the final months of the war. His diminished command was included in Richard Taylor's surrender.
Wiped out financially by the war, he resumed planting and became the president of the Selma, Marion & Memphis Railroad, which he helped to promote. Joining the Ku Klux Klan shortly after the war, he was apparently one of its early leaders. Forrest once summed up his military theory as "Get there first with the most men." He died, probably of diabetes, at Memphis on October 29, 1877, and is buried there."
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Forrest's views did not line up with the Bible in any way. The Bible does not teach discrimination based on color of skin and teaches employers/masters to be kind and respectful to employees/slaves. Slaves taken in warfare of indentured servants were fairly common in ancient days.
There have been black men and women in church or synagogue since the Queen of Sheba visited Solomon in the old testament period.
At the time the Book of Mormon clearly discriminated against blacks and Charles Darwin taught that blacks were inferior to whites in the Descent of man and Origin of the Species.
It was Mormon teaching in the 19th century which taught that blacks were destined to serve others. Blacks were forbidden form join the Mormon church until the middle of the 20th century.
June 15, 1864: General Sherman, learning of the defeat at Brice's Crossroads, writes Edwin Stanton "But Forrest is the very devil, ...There never will be peace in Tennessee till Forrest is dead."
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - I have read through the Bible over 18 times and understand it very well. Since I have a personal relationship with God I understand it more and more at deeper level each time I read through it because my life changes but the word of God doesn't.
Most days God speaks to my spirit to guide me throughout the day. I have seen Him raise a dead child, heal me and my wife after doctors gave up, restore marriages that were beyond hope, and encourage people who have been through devastating losses.
I brought up the Mormons or Darwin because they were contemporaries of Forrest and I have studied history for over 50 years,
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - The Bible is God's Word and it is a living document. I change over time but it and He does not. One of the beauties of the word of God is that you can read it over and over and each time learn much more. Stick with the main and plain things. Each of us needs a Savior - man, woman, child, heterosexual, homosexual, self-righteous and humble, rich and poor. God loves each of His own and changes us to be more like Him - compassionate.
I fought God and His ministers for the first 31 years of my life. In the fullness of time He changed me to recognize Him. As the Bible say - eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
He purged me of all desires not ordained by Him which took years. Then He began to use me in about 1991.
He taught me to forgive child molesters which was hard for me because I was molested and threatened with death before I was 10 ten years old.
Later he taught me to forgive homosexuals who tried to hit on my in the 1970s and 1980s - most of them subsequently died from AIDS by the mid-1990s.
He taught me to pray for radical Muslims who are doing their best to kill as many as they can who don't subscribe to Wahhabi Muslim doctrine.
I spend most of my day in prayer and have done so more fully since I was terminated from employment 3 years ago when the Affordable Care Act was being rolled out.
You may well have read the Bible many times. However from your posts you don't seem to have personal relationship with God. He speaks to each of His own.
I have copies of many original manuscripts and enjoy Bruce Metzger's works on new testament translation.
Among other things I have also seen God end lives early from a human standpoint. Since God is the author of life He knows exactly how, when and where each of us are born and die. He has told me when people are about to die. In each case they died.
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SSG Warren Swan
"while he was in uniform, indicating that he saw U.S. military engagement in religious terms, as “our God” (Christian) vs. Satan or the “idol” God he said was worshipped by Muslims. It was widely feared that such comments could endanger U.S. troops. Boykin was criticized publicly by then-President George W. Bush and in a 2004 report by the Pentagon’s inspector general; critics worried that his remarks could put servicemembers’ lives in jeopardy by suggesting that the American military saw regional conflicts in religious terms."....dude is a clown. Anther one of those who cannot understand there is a time to talk, a time to listen, and a time to STFU and move on.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
Well Stated Staff.
Maj Rob Drury
Maj Rob Drury
>1 y
Wow; I find it hilariously hypocritical how often this sophomoric article refers to "propaganda." Nothing from "People For the American Way" remotely represents the American way.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Not Surprised Executive VP of the FRC a group of Religious Zealots. American Sharia at it's finest.
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